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RESEARCH TOOL eMAREFA-database: free access to articles on various subjects by the Arabic-speaking academic community via FU/PRIMO link

The eMAREFA database is the most comprehensive platform for publications by members of Arab-speaking academic communities. MAREFA (معرفة) is the Arabic word for ‘knowledge.’

News from Dec 21, 2023

Most of the contributions are written in Arabic, of course, but there also are some publications in English or French. The database provides PDF versions of articles, book chapters, and some academic theses going as far back as the 1960ies, while the bulk of publications are from the last 20 years or so. There are several options to search the database, e.g. with keywords in either Arabic or English, by topic, discipline, country of publication, time-span, etc.


Prof. Florian Zemmin (Islamic Studies) and Prof. Beatrice Gruendler (Arabic Studies) initiated a pilot phase with free access to the eMAREFA database for all FU users (within the Campus Network). Database use requires a paid subscription, which for now is financed until the end of 2024. Licensing may be prolonged if the database were used regularly and intensely by FU members and students.


For Non-Arabic speakers: In case you would appreciate help with a survey on contributions in Arabic in any of the mentioned fields below, please ask at the Institute of Islamic Studies or the Seminar of Arabic Studies for support; we shall try and suggest a research assistant for your inquiry. Contact: A. Kloocke. arabic-studies-research-admin@geschkult.fu-berlin.de


The full text databases open to FU users are on the following fields:

Islamic Studies and Arabic Language
Human Sciences
Social Sciences
Legal and Islamic Fiqh Resources
International and Arab Affairs
Maghreb Studies


Just go to PRIMO, type in eMAREFA and there you are. The direct access is: search.emarefa.net.

For further information on the database as such (beyond technical questions or specific inquiries), please revert to Prof. Dr. F. Zemmin: florian.zemmin@fu-berlin.de.

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