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Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zayed "Words and their Worlds: A Conversation with Dilip M. Menon"

News from Jan 10, 2024

Philological Conversation ∵

Words and their Worlds: A Conversation with Dilip M. Menon

Mahmoud Al-Zayed

Institute of Islamic Studies & Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany m.alzayed@fu-berlin.de 

Published with license by Koninklijke Brill NV | doi:10.1163/24519197-12340087 | ISSN: 2451-9189 (print) 2451-9197 (online)


In this Philological Conversation, Dilip M. Menon dwells on the questions of how to think concepts and theorize from the Global South and on writing history beyond the Eurocentric, colonial, nationalist, and terrestrial. We discuss the political and epistemic implications and consequences of such urgent tasks. Dilip M. Menon speaks about his affinities with Edward Said, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Walter Benjamin, among others, and refects on the themes of coloniality of knowledge, postcoloniality, decoloniality, oceanic history, and the idea of paracoloniality. He links his earlier works to his recent decolonial intellectual projects and discusses his intellectual formation and his practice as a historian and social theorist. Put together via e-mail exchanges, this conversation is a culmination of several in-person conversations that took place in Beirut, Delhi and Berlin. One only hopes for many more to come.

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