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End for the suspension of deadlines

News from Jun 29, 2020

Until further notice, final theses must be submitted digitally as a non-changeable PDF file by e-mail* to the Examination Office.
The exact date when the theses have to be submitted in triple printed and bound versions is currently being clarified, and information on this will be made available on this page and in the central Corona FAQs (and, if applicable, via FU e-mail).

Dear students,  

As a follow-up to the letter from the President of the Free University of Berlin (19.06.2020), we would like to inform you that the suspension of deadlines (especially for the submission of written examinations) will end from 20.07.2020. The university has been tempted to gradually change to an orderly, restricted reference operation since 02.06.2020 and the libraries have also largely resumed lending operations or will soon do so.   Please discuss the deadline for handing in the written examinations (homework) with your lecturers (if not yet known). The following applies to the submission of BA and MA theses: the processing times will begin to run again from 20.07.2020. The processing times were thus inhibited in the period from 12.03.2020 to 20.07.2020 (= 130 days or 18 weeks and 4 days). The following constellation is now possible:

  • You have already successfully registered for the final thesis with the Examination Officeand have received the letter for the opening of the procedure (by post or e-mail):
    • the deadline communicated there was suspended from 12.03.-19.07.2020 and will continue to run from 20.07.20 - the 130-day suspension will simply be added up to the originally communicated submission deadline.

Example: notified submission date 14.05.2020 + 130 days = 21.09.2020 new submission date  

    • if you have received the opening letter in the period from 12.03.-19.07.2020, your processing period will only begin to run in full from 20.07.20 (e.g. 16 weeks from 20.07.20)


    • if you have not yet been informed of a specific deadline, but only of the general processing time (e.g. 16 weeks) with the opening letter, the deadline will start on 20.07.2020

=> Deadline for submission would therefore be (with 16 weeks) 09.11.2020  

General note: if a calculated deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the next working day is set.  

  • You have already submitted the registration form or will do so soon: You will then receive the opening letter with the concrete deadline by e-mail; the calculation of the deadline starts on 20.07.2020

  Please understand that we cannot send each* individual* student* the individual new deadline calculation. We hope that the calculation examples mentioned will help you. If there are still uncertainties regarding the deadline, please contact our Examination Office by e-mail (FU address).   Until further notice, the final thesis must be submitted digitally to the Examination Office. A printed specimen copy is not to be submitted.  

"The option to waive the oral examination for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis expires at the end of July 20, 2020, i.e. applications for waiver of the oral examination for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis after July 20, 2020 will not be considered. Students who submit their Bachelor's or Master's thesis after July 20, 2020, must take the examination provided for in the relevant study and examination regulations in one of the two aforementioned forms (distance or presence)."  


*Attention: all e-mails must be sent from your FU e-mail account.


Important e-mail addresses: Examination Office; Study Office


Please also note the information at: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/coronavirus/

Stay healthy and take care.

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