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Available information on teaching at the Department of History and Cultural Studies within SARS-CoV-2

News from Mar 23, 2020

Dear teachers,


as you now know, all events have been cancelled (courses until 20.04.2020, conferences, lectures etc. until 20.07.2020). By tomorrow at the latest, 95% of FU members will probably be in the Home Office.

We are currently assuming that we will switch to online formats and/or other possible alternative formats for the summer semester if possible. Therefore, the following requests are addressed to you:


1. compulsory courses in the SoSe 2020 (also after 20.04.2020):

For large courses you have already received a corresponding request from me on 17.03.2020.

Please also consider how you can convey the contents of your planned courses to the students even without classroom teaching; are there possibilities to provide research tasks, can PPTs be made available on Blackboard 2and e.g. by chat/email support, are courses via video telephony possible/ useful and, and, and?

It is mainly a matter of providing active participation in the courses (regular participation will not be feasible under the current circumstances), substitution for lectures, group discussions, etc. What possibilities do you see for language courses in particular?

Please think about this so that this can be passed on to the students as soon as the "lecture period" begins.

You should then announce the course of the lectures in your institute in Evento and thus in the course catalogue.

However, the task force of the University is currently working on alternative teaching formats. There will be a corresponding information and web page on this subject next week. As soon as we know more, we will send you the information!

Additional courses that are not part of the BA and/or MA curriculum should be moved to WiSe 20/21 if possible.


2. examinations:


  • From now on no more attendance examinations will be held until further notice. Examinations could take place in an alternative form or at a later date.
  • Term papers: can still be submitted; please accept digital formats like PDF. You are free to grant your own deadline extensions, which we strongly recommend!
  • Students can withdraw from the examination by sending an e-mail to you.
  • The deadlines for submission of theses within the framework of Bachelor and Master programmes will be suspended from 12 March 2020 until the resumption of regular study (but at least until 11 May 2020). This means that the submission deadlines are currently suspended, so that students who resume regular study activities, which include the reopening of libraries and PC pools, can take advantage of the full remainder of the submission deadline and thus do not suffer any disadvantages.

If you have any questions regarding this, please refer students to the examination office. Furthermore, students have already received an information e-mail. Which you have also received.


3. submission of documents:

For the time being, documents concerning credits, assessments of final theses, etc. can be sent to the Examinations Office as scans by e-mail (please from your FU account); we will try to provide you with the submitted final theses in digital form as of now. We hope that you will agree to proofreading on screen under these circumstances.



If you have any questions, please contact me and Doreen Keilbar at any time.

There will be a separate email on the subject of promotions.


Please continue to follow the information at: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/coronavirus/


Stay healthy and best regards,

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