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The Campuscard is here!

As of now the first students are receiving e-mails requesting the collection of their Campuscards at the automat. A link to the Campuscard in the ZEDAT Portal has already been activated for each and every student at the Department of History and Cultural Studies.

News from Nov 27, 2017

The Campuscard combines our student ID with the dining hall card, the VBB transit ticket, and the library ID, all in a single card. All of the functions of the individual elements remain fully in place:

  • Check out library materials using the Campuscard
  • Use lockers
  • Load credit balances and pay at dining hall registers
  • Pay fees at the University Library
  • Use printers and copiers
  • Use the VBB transit ticket even without a separate photo ID if you have chosen the photo option

The personal information stored on the Campuscard is only the library number, not your student ID number. No further personal data are stored electronically.

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