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Prof. Dr. Susan Pollock

Susan Pollock

Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie


Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Fabeckstr. 23/25
Raum -1.1052
14195 Berlin


  • Archäologie Irans und Mesopotamien
  • Feminismus und Gender in Archäologie und kultureller Anthropologie
  • Essenspraktiken und Kommensalität
  • Subjektivierungstheorien
  • Ideologie
  • Politik und Archäologie
  • Haushalte, communities und politische Ökonomie
  • Archäologie in den Medien


Akademische Ausbildung


Anthropology and Classical Civilizations, Cornell University, 1976


Anthropology, University of Michigan, 1978


Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Michigan, 1983


Akademische Stellen und Stipendien


Mesopotamian Fellowship of the American Schools of Oriental Research


Assistant Professor of Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton

1990-91, 1994-95

Forschungsstipendiatin, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, am Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie an der Freien Universität-Berlin

1994 - 2001

Associate Professor of Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton

2001 -

Professor of Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton (jetzt beurlaubt)


Gastprofessorin, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin

seit 2014

Professorin, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin


Archäologische Feldarbeiten (eigene Projekte)

1985-1988, 1990

Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraq


Kazane Höyük, Südost-Türkei. Geleitet zusammen mit R. Bernbeck (Projekt unter der Leitung von Patricia Wattenmaker)


Ausgrabungen in Toll-e Bashi, Fars, Iran. Geleitet zusammen mit R. Bernbeck und K. Abdi


Ausgrabungen in Rahmatabad, Fars, Iran. Geleitet zusammen mit H. Fazeli und R. Bernbeck

1998-2001, 2008

Grabungen und Aufarbeitungskampagnen in Fistikli Höyük, Südost-Türkei. Geleitet zusammen mit R. Bernbeck


Grabung in Monjukli Depe, Süd-Turkmenistan. Geleitet zusammen mit R. Bernbeck.


Ausgrabungen von Nazi-Zwangsarbeitslagern der Lufthansa und der Weser Flugzeugbau GmbH sowie des „KZ Columbia“ auf dem Tempelhofer Feld (Berlin) (mit Reinhard Bernbeck)


Ausgrabungen im „Halbmondlager“ aus dem 1. Weltkrieg in Wünsdorf (Brandenburg) (mit Reinhard Bernbeck, in Kooperation mit A.B.D. Dressler)


Ausgrabungen an der Hauptbibliothek und im Garten des CeDiS-Gebäudes der Freien Universität Berlin, ehemals Gelände des Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik


Veröffentlichungen Monographien und herausgegebene Bände

  1. Susan Pollock, Ancient Mesopotamia: The Eden that Never Was. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1999)
  2. Susan Pollock und Reinhard Bernbeck (Hrsg.), Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives, Oxford: Blackwell. (2005)
  3. Maria Theresia Starzmann, Susan Pollock, und Reinhard Bernbeck (Hrsg:innen), Imperial Inspections: Archaeology, War, and Violence, Archaeologies 4(3). (2008)
  4. Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck, und Kamyar Abdi (Hrsg:innen), The 2003 Excavations at Tol-e Baši, Iran: Social Life in a Neolithic Village, Archäologie in Iran und Turan 10. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. (2010)
  5. Susan Pollock (Hrsgin), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Toward an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (2015 [2012]) edition-topoi.org/books/details/809
  6. Susan Pollock und Abbas Moghaddam, Tepe Sohz and Tol-e Chega Sofla: Heritage at Risk. Tehran: RICHT. (2018)
  7. Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck und Birgül Öğüt (Hrsg:innen) Looking Closely. Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010-2014, Volume I. Leiden: Sidestone Press. (2019)
  8. Reinhard Bernbeck, Gisela Eberhardt und Susan Pollock (Hrsg:innen) Coming to Terms with the Future: Resilience and Crises in Highland Iranian Societies. Leiden: Sidestone (2023)



Franz Boas: Between Anti-Racism and Reification. EAZ – Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift57(1). https://doi.org/10.54799/RGBN4865. (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck)


Living Amidst the Ruins: Continuities, Interruptions, and Memory in a 5th mill. BCE Village in the Kopet Dag Foothills. In From Households to Empires. Papers in Honor of Bradley J. Parker, Jason Kennedy and Patrick Mullins, eds., pp. 63-78. Leiden: Sidestone. (Susan Pollock and Ilia Heit)


The Violence of Collecting. American Anthropologist 125: 377-389. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13845.


Emotions and Archaeology in Ancient Mesopotamia. In The Routledge Handbook of Emotions in the Ancient Near East, edited by Karen Sonik and Ulrike Steinert, pp. 231-245. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.


Archäologie, Zeugenschaft und Counter-Forensics. In Archäologie der Moderne. Standpunkte und Perspektiven, Hrsg. von Fritz Jürgens und Ulrich Müller, S. 271-287. Historische Archäologie Sonderband 2020. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt.


Seals and Sealings from Dehsavar. In Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane, edited by Francesca Balossi Restelli, Andrea Cardarelli, Gian Maria Di Nocera, Linda Manzanilla, Lucia Mori, Giulio Palumbi, Holly Pittman, pp. 379-389. Viterbo: Università di Roma La Sapienza and Sette Città. (Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck and Christine Kainert)


Are All Things Created Equal? The Incidental in Archaeology. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30(1): 141-149 (Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck, Lena Appel, Anna K. Loy and Stefan Schreiber)


Reflections on Survey and Surveillance in the Archaeology of Western Asia. Origini 42: 93-108. (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck)


Quotidian and Transgressive Practices in Nazi Forced Labor Camps: The Role of Objects. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. (Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock)


Working Lives in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Uruk-Period Mesopotamia. In The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovations, edited by Stefan Burmeister and Reinhard Bernbeck, pp. 205-224. Berlin: Edition Topoi.


Material and Social Worlds in Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Fars, Iran. Origini 38: 39-63.


The Subject of Suffering. American Anthropologist 118(4): 726-741.


From Clay to Stone: Material Practices and Writing in 3rd Millennium Mesopotamia. In Materiality of Writing, edited by Thomas Balke and Christina Tsouparopoulou, pp. 277-291. Berlin: De Gruyter.


Archaeology and Contemporary Warfare. Annual Reviews in Anthropology 45: 215-231.


The Limits of Experience: Suffering, Nazi Forced Labor Camps, and Archaeology. In Archaeology of the Human Experience, edited by Michelle Hegmon, pp. 22-39. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 27 (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck).


Scalar Differences: Temporal Rhythms and Spatial Patterns at Monjukli Depe, Southern Turkmenistan. Antiquity 90(349): 64-80 (Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock).


Abu Salabikh: History of a Southern Mesopotamian Town. In It’s a Long Way to a Historiography of the Early Dynastic Period(s), edited by Reinhard Dittmann and Gebhard Selz in collaboration with Ellen Rehm, pp. 267-287. Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients Bd. 15. Münster: Ugarit Verlag.


Commensality, public spheres and Handlungsräume in ancient Mesopotamia. In Big Histories, Human Lives: Tackling Problems of Scale in Archaeology, John Robb and Timothy Pauketat (eds.), pp. 145-170. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research.


Politics of food in early Mesopotamian centralized societies. Origini 34 n.s.: 153-168.


Imperial Ideologies and Hidden Transcripts: A Case from Akkadian Period Mesopotamia. In Ideologies in Archaeology, Reinhard Bernbeck und Randall McGuire (Hrsg.), S. 130-150. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


An Archaeology of Categorization and Categories in Archaeology. Paléorient 36/1: 37-47. Festschrift G. Dollfus “Social Development in the 6th and 5th Millennia BCE (Turkey, Iran and Southern Levant,” Susanne Kerner (Hrsg.). (mit Reinhard Bernbeck)


Decolonizing Archaeology: Political Economy and Archaeological Practice in the Middle East. In Controlling the Past, Owning the Future: The Political Uses of Archaeology in the Middle East, Ran Boytner, Lynn Swartz Dodd, and Bradley Parker (Hrsg.), S. 196-216. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


Engendering Communities: The Contexts of Production and Consumption in Early Mesoptamian Villages. In Que(e)rying Archaeology: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Chacmool Conference, Susan Terendy, Natasha Lyons, and Michelle Janse-Smekal (Hrsg.), S. 240-49. Calgary: Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. (mit Gabriela Castro Gessner)


Rubbish, Routines, and Practice: Chipped Stone Blades from Uruk-Period Sharafabad, Iran. Iran 46: 43-68.


The Royal Cemetery of Ur: Ritual, Tradition, and the Creation of Subjects. In Representation of Political Power in Times of Change and Dissolving Order, Marlies Heinz und Marian Feldman (Hrsg.), S. 89-110.  Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.


Death of a Household. In Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Nicola Laneri (Hrsg.), S. 209-22. Oriental Institute Seminars 3. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.


The Looting of the Iraq Museum: Thoughts on Archaeology in a Time of Crisis. Public Archaeology 3:117-24.


Feasts, Funerals, and Fast Food in Early Mesopotamian States.  In The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires, Tamara Bray (Hrsg.), S. 17-38. New York: Kluwer Academic Press.


The Uruk Period in Southern Mesopotamia. In Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross-cultural Interactions in the Era of State Formation, Mitchell Rothman (Hrsg.), S. 181-231. Santa Fe: School of American Research.


And They Said, Let us Make Gods in our Image: Gendered Ideologies in Ancient Mesopotamia. In Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record, Alison Rautman (Hrsg.), pp. 150-64.  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (mit Reinhard Bernbeck).

 Professionelle Tätigkeiten

  • Mitglied, Scientific Board der Serie Studi di Preistoria Orientale, Rome La Sapienza.
  • Mitglied, Scientific Board der Zeitschrift Origini, Rome La Sapienza
  • Korrespondierendes Mitglied, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
  • Mitglied, Advisory Board, Antiquity.
  • Mitglied des Herausgeber_innenkollektivs der on-line Forum Kritische Archäologie (www.kritischearchaeologie.de).


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Veröffentlichungen Monographien und herausgegebene Bände

  1. Susan Pollock, Ancient Mesopotamia: The Eden that Never Was. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1999)
  2. Susan Pollock und Reinhard Bernbeck (Hrsg.), Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives, Oxford: Blackwell. (2005)
  3. Maria Theresia Starzmann, Susan Pollock, und Reinhard Bernbeck (Hrsg:innen), Imperial Inspections: Archaeology, War, and Violence, Archaeologies 4(3). (2008)
  4. Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck, und Kamyar Abdi (Hrsg:innen), The 2003 Excavations at Tol-e Baši, Iran: Social Life in a Neolithic Village, Archäologie in Iran und Turan 10. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. (2010)
  5. Susan Pollock (Hrsgin), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Toward an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World (2015 [2012]) edition-topoi.org/books/details/809
  6. Susan Pollock und Abbas Moghaddam, Tepe Sohz and Tol-e Chega Sofla: Heritage at Risk. Tehran: RICHT. (2018)
  7. Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck und Birgül Öğüt (Hrsg:innen) Looking Closely. Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010-2014, Volume I. Leiden: Sidestone Press. (2019)
  8. Reinhard Bernbeck, Gisela Eberhardt und Susan Pollock (Hrsg:innen) Coming to Terms with the Future: Resilience and Crises in Highland Iranian Societies. Leiden: Sidestone (2023)



Franz Boas: Between Anti-Racism and Reification. EAZ – Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift57(1). https://doi.org/10.54799/RGBN4865. (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck)


Living Amidst the Ruins: Continuities, Interruptions, and Memory in a 5th mill. BCE Village in the Kopet Dag Foothills. In From Households to Empires. Papers in Honor of Bradley J. Parker, Jason Kennedy and Patrick Mullins, eds., pp. 63-78. Leiden: Sidestone. (Susan Pollock and Ilia Heit)


The Violence of Collecting. American Anthropologist 125: 377-389. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13845.


Emotions and Archaeology in Ancient Mesopotamia. In The Routledge Handbook of Emotions in the Ancient Near East, edited by Karen Sonik and Ulrike Steinert, pp. 231-245. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.


Archäologie, Zeugenschaft und Counter-Forensics. In Archäologie der Moderne. Standpunkte und Perspektiven, Hrsg. von Fritz Jürgens und Ulrich Müller, S. 271-287. Historische Archäologie Sonderband 2020. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt.


Seals and Sealings from Dehsavar. In Pathways through Arslantepe. Essays in Honour of Marcella Frangipane, edited by Francesca Balossi Restelli, Andrea Cardarelli, Gian Maria Di Nocera, Linda Manzanilla, Lucia Mori, Giulio Palumbi, Holly Pittman, pp. 379-389. Viterbo: Università di Roma La Sapienza and Sette Città. (Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck and Christine Kainert)


Are All Things Created Equal? The Incidental in Archaeology. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 30(1): 141-149 (Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck, Lena Appel, Anna K. Loy and Stefan Schreiber)


Reflections on Survey and Surveillance in the Archaeology of Western Asia. Origini 42: 93-108. (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck)


Quotidian and Transgressive Practices in Nazi Forced Labor Camps: The Role of Objects. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. (Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock)


Working Lives in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Uruk-Period Mesopotamia. In The Interplay of People and Technologies. Archaeological Case Studies on Innovations, edited by Stefan Burmeister and Reinhard Bernbeck, pp. 205-224. Berlin: Edition Topoi.


Material and Social Worlds in Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Fars, Iran. Origini 38: 39-63.


The Subject of Suffering. American Anthropologist 118(4): 726-741.


From Clay to Stone: Material Practices and Writing in 3rd Millennium Mesopotamia. In Materiality of Writing, edited by Thomas Balke and Christina Tsouparopoulou, pp. 277-291. Berlin: De Gruyter.


Archaeology and Contemporary Warfare. Annual Reviews in Anthropology 45: 215-231.


The Limits of Experience: Suffering, Nazi Forced Labor Camps, and Archaeology. In Archaeology of the Human Experience, edited by Michelle Hegmon, pp. 22-39. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 27 (Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck).


Scalar Differences: Temporal Rhythms and Spatial Patterns at Monjukli Depe, Southern Turkmenistan. Antiquity 90(349): 64-80 (Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock).


Abu Salabikh: History of a Southern Mesopotamian Town. In It’s a Long Way to a Historiography of the Early Dynastic Period(s), edited by Reinhard Dittmann and Gebhard Selz in collaboration with Ellen Rehm, pp. 267-287. Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients Bd. 15. Münster: Ugarit Verlag.


Commensality, public spheres and Handlungsräume in ancient Mesopotamia. In Big Histories, Human Lives: Tackling Problems of Scale in Archaeology, John Robb and Timothy Pauketat (eds.), pp. 145-170. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research.


Politics of food in early Mesopotamian centralized societies. Origini 34 n.s.: 153-168.


Imperial Ideologies and Hidden Transcripts: A Case from Akkadian Period Mesopotamia. In Ideologies in Archaeology, Reinhard Bernbeck und Randall McGuire (Hrsg.), S. 130-150. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


An Archaeology of Categorization and Categories in Archaeology. Paléorient 36/1: 37-47. Festschrift G. Dollfus “Social Development in the 6th and 5th Millennia BCE (Turkey, Iran and Southern Levant,” Susanne Kerner (Hrsg.). (mit Reinhard Bernbeck)


Decolonizing Archaeology: Political Economy and Archaeological Practice in the Middle East. In Controlling the Past, Owning the Future: The Political Uses of Archaeology in the Middle East, Ran Boytner, Lynn Swartz Dodd, and Bradley Parker (Hrsg.), S. 196-216. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


Engendering Communities: The Contexts of Production and Consumption in Early Mesoptamian Villages. In Que(e)rying Archaeology: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Chacmool Conference, Susan Terendy, Natasha Lyons, and Michelle Janse-Smekal (Hrsg.), S. 240-49. Calgary: Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. (mit Gabriela Castro Gessner)


Rubbish, Routines, and Practice: Chipped Stone Blades from Uruk-Period Sharafabad, Iran. Iran 46: 43-68.


The Royal Cemetery of Ur: Ritual, Tradition, and the Creation of Subjects. In Representation of Political Power in Times of Change and Dissolving Order, Marlies Heinz und Marian Feldman (Hrsg.), S. 89-110.  Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.


Death of a Household. In Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Nicola Laneri (Hrsg.), S. 209-22. Oriental Institute Seminars 3. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.


The Looting of the Iraq Museum: Thoughts on Archaeology in a Time of Crisis. Public Archaeology 3:117-24.


Feasts, Funerals, and Fast Food in Early Mesopotamian States.  In The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires, Tamara Bray (Hrsg.), S. 17-38. New York: Kluwer Academic Press.


The Uruk Period in Southern Mesopotamia. In Uruk Mesopotamia and Its Neighbors: Cross-cultural Interactions in the Era of State Formation, Mitchell Rothman (Hrsg.), S. 181-231. Santa Fe: School of American Research.


And They Said, Let us Make Gods in our Image: Gendered Ideologies in Ancient Mesopotamia. In Reading the Body: Representations and Remains in the Archaeological Record, Alison Rautman (Hrsg.), pp. 150-64.  Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (mit Reinhard Bernbeck).

 Professionelle Tätigkeiten

  • Mitglied, Scientific Board der Serie Studi di Preistoria Orientale, Rome La Sapienza.
  • Mitglied, Scientific Board der Zeitschrift Origini, Rome La Sapienza
  • Korrespondierendes Mitglied, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut.
  • Mitglied, Advisory Board, Antiquity.
  • Mitglied des Herausgeber_innenkollektivs der on-line Forum Kritische Archäologie (www.kritischearchaeologie.de)


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