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Impressions of the 2023 excavation campaign in Tell Ushayer (Jordan)

Tell Ushayer 23_01

Tell Ushayer 23_01

Tell Ushayer 23_02

Tell Ushayer 23_02

Tell Ushayer 23_03

Tell Ushayer 23_03

Tell Ushayer 23_04

Tell Ushayer 23_04

Tell Ushayer 23_05

Tell Ushayer 23_05

Tell Ushayer 23_06

Tell Ushayer 23_06

Tell Ushayer 23_07

Tell Ushayer 23_07

Tell Ushayer 23_08

Tell Ushayer 23_08

Tell Ushayer 23_09

Tell Ushayer 23_09

News vom 12.09.2023

A team of the Institute is currently excavating in Jordan. You are invited to follow our dig on Instagram: #tellushayer

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