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Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jesper Eidem (University of Pisa)

Ort: Chronoi-House, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 7, 14195 Berlin.

News vom 19.01.2024

Am Dienstag, den 23.01.2024, 4PM, hält Prof. Dr. Jesper Eidem (University of Pisa) einen Vortrag mit dem Titel: "News from the Deep: Tell Shemshara and Other Sites in the Dokan Dam Zone".


New archaeological investigations at Tell Shemshara and other sites within the Dokan Dam Zone (NE Iraq) were initiated by NINO (The Dutch Institute for the Near East) in 2012, and are since 2018 conducted by Pisa University. This short presentation will focus on the latest results from excavations at Tell Shemshara, and a new survey of  sites usually flooded by the Dokan Lake, conducted in December 2023 together with Amanj Amin, and Barzan Baiz Ismail.


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