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Alejandro Mizzoni

Guest researcher in 2022

Impact of warfare on the local politics of Syria from the 12th to the 8th centuries BCE

The doctoral project, based at the University of Buenos Aires, is dedicated to exploring how warfare helped shape the local politics of Syria from the 12th to the 8th centuries BCE, until the Assyrian conquest. The questions rised include the impact of warfare in changes on political practices, forms of leadership and landscapes through the study of both archaeological and textual evidence.

During Summer 2022, Alejandro Mizzoni made a research visit to the Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, made possible by the Erasmus+ Worldwide scholarship. It focused on collecting data relating to settlement patterns and dynamics in order to assess the ways in which the local populations may have faced warring conditions. The experience also benefited from the chance of participating in colloquia, conferences and seminars.

The PhD project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Jordi Vidal (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Prof. Dr. Marcelo Campagno.

Host of the research visit: Dominik Bonatz
