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ŠLOMO SURAYT II ܫܠܳܡܐ ܣܘܪܰܝܬ ܒ is now online!

We are glad to announce that Šlomo Surayt II ܫܠܳܡܐ ܣܘܪܰܝܬ ܒ – An Advanced Course in Surayt-Aramaic (Turoyo) has now been released both as online course and as textbook, and is freely available at www.surayt.com.

News vom 14.11.2020

The course consists of the following new learning materials:

  1. In B-level, 8 learning units with extended grammatical explanations and cultural notes
  2. Detailed grammar tables covering pronouns and pronominal suffixes, pseudo- and auxiliary verbs, verb conjugations, verbs with object suffixes, and numbers, as well as days of the week, months and seasons
  3. An extended glossary, with more than 2,000 entries, prepared with the help of the lexicon software TLex and expanded with grammatical information and examples. The glossary ends with a English-Surayt (and German-Surayt) word list
  4. Equivalent to C1 level: a Reader (Qëryono) comprising 10 edited text samples written by native speakers, and enriched with explanatory notes and exercises
  5. A multi-lingual list of linguistic terms in Surayt has also been prepared and added as an annex to the Reader

The course material is offered in 5 languages – German, English, Swedish, Dutch and Turkish. French and Arabic versions are currently being prepared.

In order to support the learning of Surayt, the project team has presented the course as a textbook. It has also developed an app for learners which is to be released very soon, and a digital corpus of around 170,000 words based on 175 short articles and essays written by various authors on different topics. In addition, the IT company “Trabdin” from Gothenburg/Sweden, an external project partner, developed the lexical App SuryoyoTalk based on the material from Šlomo Surayt.

The advanced level course is a continuation of Šlomo Surayt An Introductory Course to Surayt-Aramaic (Turoyo). It has been developed within the framework of the Surayt-Aramaic-Online Project (SAOP, 2017-2020) by an international consortium: Freie Universität Berlin (Coordinator), Stockholm University, Mor Ephrem Monastery (The Netherlands), Beth Mardutho Syriac Institute (USA), and Midyat Süryani Kültür Derneği (Turkey). The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (2017-1-DE01-KA203-003573).

We believe that this constitutes a major milestone in the revitalisation efforts of Surayt-Aramaic (Turoyo), thus enabling further institutionalisation in the learning and teaching of this endangered language.

Feedback is welcome via email to aramaic.online@gmail.com

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