Tim Mackintosh-Smith: Arabs – A 3.000-year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires – Book Presentation and Reading
The institute of Arabic Studies at Freie Universität invites you all to the following webex-event:
Book presentation and reading
Tim Mackintosh-Smith: Arabs – A 3.000-year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires
June 17th at 4 PM (c.t.)
Please register here.
Yemen based author Tim Mackintosh-Smith is going to present his comprehensive approach to Arab history in his latest book.
As reviews put it, “this work strips away centuries of erroneous myth-making and returns the history of the Arab peoples to the secure bedrock of their language. It’s in touch with the poetry of the desert a millennium and a half ago and the trauma of the mountains today.”
The book is out now in German translation by wbg Theiss, Darmstadt (see link below).
This event is hosted by Colinda Lindermann and Ruben Schenzle.
Further information in German:
- Der Postorientalist: Mackintosh Effendi (Artikel aus zenith 01/21)
- Arab: 3000 Jahre arabische Geschichte (wbg Darmstadt)