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+++CTG EVENT+++ Submission deadline for applications CtG PostDoc position

23.09.2024 | 23:59

Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (Postdoc) mit 75%-Teilzeitbeschäftigung, befristet bis 30.06.2026

Closing the Gap in Non Latin Script Data welcomes applications for the position of the academic coordination (Postdoc, 75% contract, until 06/2026). Please see the Stellenanzeiger of Freie Universität Berlin for further details.

Applications should reach us within Monday, September 23, 2024, 23:59 (via email).

Closing the Gap in Non-Latin-Script Data II aims to establish sustainable standards of research data management with scholarly work on cultures and records using Non-Latin Scripts. The project is hosted at the Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies of Freie Universität Berlin under direction of Beatrice Gruendler. CtG has received funding by the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) since 2021, and now is one of three "Implementation Projects" of Objective 3–Advancing Research Quality and Value of the Berlin University Alliance granted a follow-up funding phase (2023-2026).


Zeit & Ort

23.09.2024 | 23:59

Bewerbungen sind mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen unter Angabe der Kennung im Format PDF (vorzugsweise als ein Dokument) elektronisch per E-Mail zu richten an Frau Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler: beatrice.gruendler@fu-berlin.de