PD Dr. Thoralf Klein

Department of Politics, History and International Relations
Loughborough University
Short Biographical Information
Thoralf Klein, Dr. phil. (2000), Dr. habil (2007);
Senior Lecturer in East Asian History at the Department of History, University of Erfurt (2000-2010).
Fellow at the College of Cultural Studies, University of Konstanz, in the academic year 2007/2008.
Studied History, Political Science and Chinese Studies in Bonn, Guangzhou (PR China) and Freiburg/Breisgau.
Research interests: Social and cultural history of 19th- and 20th-century China; history of religion in China, colonial history.
Publications include:
„Die Basler Mission in der Provinz Guangdong (Südchina), 1859–1931. Akkulturationsprozesse und kulturelle Grenzziehungen zwischen Missionaren, chinesischen Christen und lokaler Gesellschaft“ [The Basel Mission in Guangdong province (South China), 1859-1931] (2002)
„Karl Gützlaff und das Christentum in Ostasien. Ein Missionar zwischen den Kulturen [Karl Gützlaff and Christianity in East Asia. A Missionary Between Cultures]” (2005)
Atheism, official – China, in: David Levinson/Karen Christensen (eds.), Encyclopedia of Modern Asia (2002)
„Beyond the Market: Exploring the Religious Field in Modern China“, in: Religion 41:4 (2011)