Models of Co-operation between Local Governments and Social Organizations in Germany and China– Migration: Challenges and Solutions (LoGoSO Germany China)
Comparative research project of Katja Levy in co-oparation with Annette Zimmer (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster) and Ma Qingyu (Chinese Academy of Governance), funded by Stiftung Mercator.
This Sino-German comparative research project analyses the co-operation between state and social organizations (SOs) in China and Germany. It focusses on social service delivery in the area of integration of migrating populations with special attention to the fields of education, employment, vulnerable groups and social assistance (incl. legal aid) as a crosscutting issue to all of the fields. The project aims to identify different models of state-SO co-operation and identify successful and unsuccessful cases and factors influencing these co-operations. The field phase includes case studies in the cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Cologne and Berlin.
The duration of the research project is September 2016 – August 2019.