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GEAS Digital Lecture Series Summer 21

29.04.2021 - 07.07.2021

Rainbow Boy (State of The Art)
Image Credit: Peter Trimming

East Asian Responses to Crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic has called for new responses to crisis worldwide. How have governments and people of East Asian countries coped with the current and previous crises, and what strategies have they developed? What are the implications for European societies? In this GEAS Lecture Series, scholars from GEAS andcolleagues discuss responses to the current Covid-19 pandemic by East Asian governments and people.

Programme (digital)

The lectures will take place exclusively online.

Please register for the event(s) either through the online form below, or for each event individually on the respective website. 


12:00 PM

Indian cooks in Japan at the mercy of their bosses and the state? – Impacts of COVID-19

Megha Wadhwa (Freie Universität Berlin/Sophia University)


12:00 PM

Anti-Asian Racism during the Corona-Pandemic in Germany and beyond

Kimiko Suda (Berlin, korientation e.v.)


12:00 PM

Emerging Health Powers and the Implications of Zero-Covid Strategies in Asia-Pacific for Europe

Maximilian Mayer (Bonn University)


12:00 PM

Characteristics of South Korea's Response to the COVID-19 Crisis and Its Social Consequences

Jin Wook Shin (Chungang University Seoul)

Zeit & Ort

29.04.2021 - 07.07.2021

Freie Universität Berlin uses the video conferencing system Webex from Cisco. It is not necessary to install any software on a desktop PC via any browser. For mobile devices, the app Webex Meet is recommended. You may need a microphone on your end device (Smartphone, Tablet, Notebook, PC) to ask questions. Video is not necessary, but you are welcome to use it.

Weitere Informationen

For more information and a link to the event(s), please use the online registration or contact events[at]geas.fu-berlin.de