Korea Europe Center
“Wie konnte es soweit kommen?” Erklärungsversuche zur derzeitigen Lage in (Süd)Korea
North Korea-Global South Connections in the 2020s: Declining or Resilient?
The Trump Presidency and Korea - Retrospection and Outlook
The annual Korea Europe Peace Platform—Berlin Forum—"Korean Peninsula in the New Cold War Era: Korean and European Perspectives on Cooperation Measures and Establishment of Peace"
140 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Beziehungen: Im Gespräch mit Michael Müller (MdB) und Professor Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee (Koreastudien), Moderation Dr. Florian Pölking
Crisis and Collaboration: Navigating the Security Landscape on the Korean Peninsula amidst Great Power Competitions
Land of Resilience: A Journey through South Jeolla Province
Sailing or Drifting? The Korean Wave, Self and Fandoms
Rational response to COVID 19 and epidemic orientalism in South Korea and Germany
Strictly enforcing sanctions without closing the door: France’s position on international sanctions against the DPRK