PhD Alumni
Dr. Eric J. Ballbach
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
“Producing Boundaries: Identity and North Korean Foreign Policy”
Dr. You Kyung Byun
"100,000 Won Friends: Calculating Gifts and Debts Among Dear Friends in South Korean Institutional Network"
Dr. Daniela Gi-Youi Claus-Kim
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (IKS)
"Erinnern, Vergessen, Verdrängen: Die Studentenbewegung vom 19. April 1960 im public memory"
Dr. Jihye Han
"The institutionalization of the Korean higher education system with regard to lifelong learning and the support system for working adults in Korea"
Dr. Oul Klara Han
"Measuring Frames: Discursive Institutions in Polarized Politics"
Dr. Ji Young Heo
"South Korea’s Understanding of Middle Power:Interests and a National Identity"
Dr. Hyuk Jung
The Discursive Struggle over LGBT Rights in South Korea: The Politics of Pro-LGBT Policy Adoption in a Hostile Environment
Dr. Olteun Kim
"The Making of Normative Citizens: Educational Policies and Social Construction of Heteronormativity in South Korea"
Dr. Eun Hee Woo
"Institutional Change and Intra-Party Democracy : Mechanisms of Party Elite Recruitment in Korea and Germany"
Dr. Kyong Yong Francis Yoon
"The effects of tax policy on the mixed economy of welfare: a comparative study on South Korea, Japan and Germany"