Dr. Eun Hee Woo

Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Freie Universität Berlin
"Institutional Change and Intra-Party Democracy : Mechanisms of Party Elite Recruitment in Korea and Germany"
Eunhee grew up in the politically-conservative but energetic port city of Busan, South Korea. She completed her B.A. with a double major in German language & literature and political science at Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul. After spending seven years in Seoul and witnessing the social and cultural gap between her hometown and the capital, she became interested in various perspectives on social movements and party politics. It was during an exchange program in Cologne, Germany in 2008 that she began to discover the history of European party politics and of the European Union in comparison with Northeast Asia. This experience led her to write her M.A. dissertation on the process of party formation from social movement in Germany. In her Ph.D. project, she would like to devote her attention to Korean party politics, especially the informal dynamics of elite recruitment.
2013. The Political Institutionalization of Single-Issue Movements: Comparing Environmental and Women’s Movements in West Germany during the 1970’s and 1980’s (M.A. Dissertation), Graduate School of Ewha Woman’s University, Department of Political Science & International Relations.