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Maureen Murphy, Université Paris 10 Nanterre: Die Kunst der Dekolonisation. Paris-Dakar (1950-1970)

21.05.2024 | 18:00 c.t. - 20:00

In this talk, Maureen Murphy will present her latest book, The Art of Decolonization. Paris-Dakar 1950-1970s (2023) which focuses on the artistic, diplomatic and political relationships between France and Senegal at the time of decolonization. Inscribed in the field of global and imperial history, this book questions the tensions and exchanges between a former metropole and an emancipated colony at the time of the cold war, giving special attention to exhibition histories, cultural heritage and debates about modern art. 


Maureen Murphy is an art historian specialized in global modernisms, cultural heritage and African art. She teaches at Paris 10 Nanterre.

Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des von Peter Probst geleiteteten Kolloquiums zur Kunst Afrikas statt.

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Zeit & Ort

21.05.2024 | 18:00 c.t. - 20:00

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