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2 Lehrveranstaltungen der Terra Foundation for American Art am Kennedy-Institut im SoSe 2022

News vom 16.04.2022

Zwischen der Terra Foundation for American Art und den drei Instituten (Kennedy-Institut, KHI der FU und IKB der HU) gibt es einen Vertrag über 6 Gastprofessuren (über 6 Jahre hinweg), die am Kennedy-Institut angesiedelt sind.

Ab WS 2021/22 wird Gastprofessorin JoAnne Mancini Lehrveranstaltungen anbieten, die sich an Bachelor- und  an Masterstudierende Kunstgeschichte richten und im BA und im MA Kunstgeschichte buchbar sind.
Interessierte Studierende wenden sich bitte direkt an Frau Regina Götz (culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de).

Terra Visiting Professorship at the Kennedy Institute JoAnne Mancini's Courses in the Summer Term 2022



Tuesdays 10 a.m. – noon, Kennedy Institute (Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin) room 340; course number 32101-S22, first session on April 19, 2022.

Since the eighteenth century, when the silversmith and printer Paul Revere engraved the frontispiece to the first book of published music by a US composer, William Billings, there has been an ongoing relationship between AmericanartandAmericanmusic. Takinganinterdisciplinaryapproach,this module will consider that relationship from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. At the same time, it will also explore some of the ways in which intersection has been explored not only by art historians but also by

musicologists and others outside of art history.

Please register at: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de with your name, matriculation number, study program, home university (if applicable), zedat email address or email address of home university, and type of exchange program (if applicable). Deadline for registration is April 12, 2022. Please register on Campus Management as well and as soon as possible.



Tuesdays 2 – 4 p.m., Kennedy Institute (Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin) room 340; course number 32114- S22, first session on April 19, 2021.

Please register at: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de with your name, matriculation number, study program, home university (if applicable), zedat email address or email address of home university, and type of exchange program (if applicable). Deadline for registration is April 12, 2022. Please register on Campus Management as well and as soon as possible.

This module will explore the history of American art through recent research and writing. Focusing on a series of topics explored by contemporary scholarship, its aim will be to develop familiarity with current approaches to

American art by art historians and interdisciplinary scholars.

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