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Piaopiao Yang

Kunsthistorisches Institut der Freien Universität Berlin

Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in

Raum A 152
14195 Berlin


Während der Vorlesungszeit im Wintersemester 2024:

Donnerstag 16–17.30 Uhr 

Feriensprechstunden im Wintersemester 2024/25:

Freitag, 21.02.25 12 - 14 Uhr

Freitag, 28.02.25 10-12 Uhr 

Bitte melden Sie sich vorab per Mail an (p.yang@fu-berlin.de)


Since 2019
Lecturer (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) of East Asian Art History, Institute of Art History, FU Berlin
Doctoral candidate, East Asian Art History, FU Berlin. Dissertation topic (working title): Rock as subject matter in Chinese painting and painting manuals

M.A., Art History in a Global Context: Focus on East Asia. FU Berlin. M.A. thesis: Hongren's “Fisherman Poem-Picture Album” in the Museum of Asian Art, Berlin

Acting teaching assistant of East Asian Art History, Institute of Art History, FU Berlin

Japanese language courses, FU Berlin/Kobe University

Research assistant, DFG-project “Landscape, Canon, and Intermediality in Chinese Painting of the 1930s and 1940s”, Institute of Art History, FU Berlin.

B.A., German Studies, minor in International Economics and Trade, Zhejiang University, China. B.A. thesis: Installation als Kunst im öffentlichen Raum – Eine Diskussion über die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Kunst in Bezug auf die Adorno-Benjamin-Kontroverse

Art History/German Philology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

High school diploma, Hangzhou Foreign Languages School


SoSe 2024

Artistic Eccentricity in Ming-Qing China and Edo Japan


WiSe 2023/24

Paintings of Song China


SoSe 2023

Introduction to East Asian art history: Art and material culture


WiSe 2022/23

Early Chinese and Japanese Narrative Illustration


SoSe 2022

17th and 18th century Chinese paintings in the Museum für Asiatische Kunst (SMBPK)


WiSe 2021/22

Introduction to East Asian art history: Art and material culture

Literary themes in East Asian art


SoSe 2021

Introduction to East Asian art history: Methods and theories

Dong Qichang and theories of Chinese landscape painting


WiSe 2020/21

Introduction to East Asian art history: Art and material culture

The concept of copy in East Asian art


SoSe 2020

Motifs and themes in East Asian art


WiSe 2019/20

Introduction to East Asian art history: Art and material culture


SoSe 2019

Introduction to East Asian art history: Methods and theories

Research interests:

  • Chinese painting and calligraphy
  • Premodern Japanese painting
  • East Asian literati culture
  • Transcultural East Asia
  • Methods and theories of art history
  • History of concepts


Conferences and workshops (co-)organized:

10. Forum Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jun. 17–18, 2022, Universität Zürich.

International Conference “Modernity in Korean Art Reconsidered!”. Jan. 27–29, 2022, FU Berlin. https://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/khi/schwerpunkte/abteilung_ostasien/aktuelles/Modernity-in-Korean-Art-Reconsidered_flyer.pdf

9. Forum Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Aug. 23–24, 2021, FU Berlin. https://oakg-forum.jimdofree.com/9-forum-berlin-2021/programm-programme/

Digitale Vorlesungsreihe von Frau Prof. Dr. Jeong-hee Lee-Kalisch mit Gästen und Freunden: Medialität und Materialität in der Kunst Ostasiens. Winter semester 2020/21, FU Berlin.


Publications and presentations:

“A genuine gift? Context, provenance and authenticity issues of Dong Qichang’s After Mi Youren’s ‘Wonderful Scenery of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers’ in the Museum of Asian Art, Berlin”, in: Art Research Special Issue 1 (2020), 128–37. (Publication based on a paper presented at the FU Berlin – Kobe University – Ritsumeikan University Joint Workshop on “Landscape and New Media in Art, Film and Theatre”, Jun. 1–2, 2019, Kyoto.)

“Words and images in Hongren’s Fisherman Album, part II”, in: Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, Neue Serie 38 (2019), 9–18.

“Words and images in Hongren’s Fisherman Album, part I”, in: Ostasiatische Zeitschrift, Neue Serie 37 (2019), 11–22.

“Hongrens (1610-1664) Fischer-Album im Museum für Asiatische Kunst Berlin und die malerische Umsetzung von Poesie”. Presentation at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ostasiatische Kunst, Feb. 1, 2018, Museum of Asian Art, Berlin.

“West Lake images in Hongren's (1610–1664) Fisherman Poem-And-Picture Album”. Presentation at the “3rd Joint Student Workshop of Kobe University and OAKG, FU Berlin: Graduation Theses and Work-In-Progress Projects on Art, Culture and Cultural Policy”, Sep. 14, 2017, FU Berlin.


高麗畫全集1 (歐美藏品卷)(A Complete Collection of Goryeo Paintings, vol. 1 European and US collections), Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2017. Introduction “The transmission of Goryeo Buddhist paintings to Europe and the US”, cat. 2 “Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha and the Ten Kings of Hell”, cat. 4 “Vairocana Assembly: Illustration of Sūtra of Perfect Awakening”, cat. 5 “Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha”, cat. 6 “Tejaprabha Buddha and Constellation”, cat. 10 “Amitābha and Kṣitigarbha”, cat. 14 “Illuminate Buddhist Manuscript: Amitābha-sūtra spoken by Buddha”, cat. 15 “Dae Banggwangbul Hwaeomgyeong”, cat. 26 “Buddha Vairocana Triad”, cat. 27 “Water-Moon Avalokiteśvara”.

Juliane Noth, “棲霞嶺下舊有桃花溪——黃賓虹萬年作品中的師承譜系、地理空間及其系列性” [Beneath Qixialing there was a Peach Blossom Spring: Genealogy, locality and seriality in Huang Binhong’s late paintings], in: Jinian Huang Binhong dansheng 150 zhounian guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji [Proceedings of the International Conference in Commemoration of Huang Binhong’s 150th Birthday], eds. Zhejiangsheng Bowuguan et al., Hangzhou: Zhejiang Meishu Chubanshe, 2015, 61–78.

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