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Dr. Yuet Heng Wong


Kunsthistorisches Institut

Ostasiatische Kunstgeschichte

Art Academies in China: Global Histories and Institutional Practices (CHINACADEMY)

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in

Koserstr. 20
Raum A 1.54
14195 Berlin

An art historian and curator, Wong is a post-doctoral fellow of the Institute of Art History at the Freie Universität Berlin (FU). Prior to her position at FU, she was an assistant curator at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, lecturer at the Lingnan University, and visiting scholar at the L’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient.

She was recipients of Great Britain China Award, Percival David Foundation Writing-up Grant, Universities’ China Committee in London Grants, and Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme.

Wong received her PhD in History of Art and Archaeology from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London, her MPhil and BA in Art History from the University of Hong Kong.

Wong’s research interests lie in the exhibiting, teaching, publication, and conceptualisation of Chinese art beyond China, especially in 19th-20th century Western Europe, the United States, and South-east Asia.

Specific publications and research projects include the collecting and museumization of Chinese art in late 19th-century France, and the diasporic communities of the Lingnan School of Paintings and the making of Cantonese-ness(es) across the Asia Pacific.

She is particularly interested in the issues of post-colonialism, intermediality, trans-localism, and diasporic identities.

  • “Chinese Diasporic Identities in Transformation: The Collecting and Exhibiting of the Lingnan School of Painting in 20th-Century Singapore,” Selina Ho Chui Fun ed., Exhibiting Chinese Art in Asia: Histories, Discourses and Practices (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2024).
  • “吉美以外: 十九世紀法國的中國藝術品收藏與展示 (Beyond Guimet: The collecting and display of Chinese artworks in 19th -century France),” Artist Magazine 藝術家雜誌 (September 2022), 272-275.
  • “Decolonising Chinese Porcelain: Ernest Grandidier’s Collecting and Display at the 19th -century Louvre,” Orientations (September/October 2021), 47-53. 2021.
  • “Revisiter l’orientalisme: la présentation de l’art chinois à la création du Musée Guimet,” Contreligne (online publication) (March 2021).
  • “Beyond Imperialism: The 19th -Century Collecting and Display of Chinese Art at the Musée Guimet,” Arts Asiatiques (December 2019), 69-86.
  • (Translation) “傳統的未來主義者:翁府公元 2068” (original: Hwang Yin, “The Traditional Futurist: Yewn Residence 2068”) for Dickson Yewn’s exhibition at Art Central 2022.
  • “Private to Public: The History of Chinese Art Collecting in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Palace Museum (2023).
  • “Passion for Collecting: The Founding Donations to the Hong Kong Palace Museum” Hong Kong Palace Museum (2024).
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