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Franziska Exeler awarded Ernst Fraenkel Prize for "Ghosts of War"

News vom 10.06.2022

Franziska Exeler's book Ghosts of War. Nazi Occupation and Its Aftermath in Soviet Belarus is the recipient of the 2021 Ernst Fraenkel Prize of the Wiener Holocaust Library in London.

The Wiener Library Ernst Fraenkel Prize is awarded annually for the best new book-length academic manuscript on the Holocaust, its context and implications, and twentieth-century and post-Holocaust genocides. In their reasoning, the judges noted that they found Ghosts of War "to be an ambitious – and successful – deep dive, exploring questions of wartime compliance, complicity, and collaboration and the post-war toll that these exacted. It is strikingly original in exploring issues that many have acknowledged but few have investigated and is a very worthy winner of this prestigious prize.”

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