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Crossing Borders: Migration, Law, and Global Politics, February 3, 2022, at 6 pm CET (online)

News vom 27.01.2022

Barriers & Borders Online Seminar Series 2021–2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 6pm CET (Berlin time):
Crossing Borders: Migration, Law, and Global Politics

Mae Ngai (Columbia University), author of:
The Chinese Question. The Gold Rushes and Global Politics (New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 2021)

in conversation with

Ian Sanjay Patel (London School of Economics), author of:
We’re Here Because You Were There: Immigration and the End of Empire (London: Verso Books, 2021)

Moderators: Franziska Exeler (Freie Universität Berlin/University of Cambridge) and Kalyani Ramnath (Harvard University)

Please register here for a Zoom link

The seminar forms part of the Barriers & Borders online seminar series 2021–2022, a collaboration between the Joint Center for History and Economics, University of Cambridge and Harvard University, and Columbia World Projects at Columbia University. The seminar puts a spotlight on exciting new research that brings sustained conceptual, analytical, and historical attention to the causes and consequences of constructing (or reconstructing) barriers and borders. Each seminar consists of a conversation between two scholars. The introductions to the books discussed in this seminar will be pre-circulated among registered participants. Audio recordings of the events will be posted shortly after each event.

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