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CfA: 12 PhD Fellowships

News vom 11.07.2022

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut Graduiertenkolleg Global Intellectual History

12 PhD Fellowships (m/f/d) with 65%part-time job limited to 3 years Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU reference code: GIH-Predocs 2022

Bewerbungsende: 31.08.2022

The Graduate School "Global Intellectual History" invites applications for 12 PhD fellowships.

The Graduate School "Global Intellectual History," jointly run by Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, aims to explore intellectual engagement with processes of entanglement from the 16th to the 20th century in their social, cultural and political contexts: the trans-border spread of ideas, claims to universal validity, as well as counter-movements and resistance to such claims. A particular (but not exclusive) focus is on the role of non-Western actors and knowledge production. For a detailed description of the research program, participating faculty and cooperating institutions, please visit http://www.gih.global-history.de

Job description:
Successful candidates will develop a PhD dissertation in the field of global intellectual history (16th to 20th century) and contribute to the activities of the program by participating in seminars, workshops and/or summer schools.

The fellowship is offered as research position on a fixed-term basis, starting on 1st April 2023 (salary group TV-L 13, 65%, limited until 31.03.2026; additional funds for research and archival trips are available).

- MA/MPhil degree in History with a significant focus in non-European/global/world history or in an Area Studies discipline with a significant historical
focus (thesis submitted by time of interview)

- Very good knowledge of English and the languages relevant to the research proposal
- Familiarity with relevant scholarly debates and approaches in global history and intellectual history

Weitere Informationen

How to apply:
Please send your application with the following documents: cover letter including names and contact information of two referees; curriculum vitae;
abstract of MA/MPhil thesis (one page); research proposal (two pages) including a brief explanation of how your project fits in the framework of the Graduate School as one PDF-file to Dr. Sebastian Gottschalk: globalintellectualhistory@geschkult.fu-berlin.de .

Shortlisted candidates will be notified in the second half of October. The job interviews will take place in mid-November 2022.

Applications should be sent by e-mail, together with significant documents, indicating the reference code, in PDF format (preferably as one document) to Herrn Dr. Sebastian Gottschalk: globalintellectualhistory@geschkult.fu-berlin.de or postal to

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften


Graduiertenkolleg Global Intellectual History

Mr. Dr. Sebastian Gottschalk

Koserstr. 20

14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.

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