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23rd International Conference on the History of Concepts

Global Modernity. Emotions, Temporalities, and Concepts

Global Modernity. Emotions, Temporalities, and Concepts

News vom 17.03.2022

History of Concepts Conference 2022: Global Modernity. Emotions, Temporalities, and Concepts
7 - 9 April 2022

The 23rd International Conference on the History of Concepts, organized by Sebastian Conrad, Margrit Pernau and Florian Zemmin on behalf of the History of Concepts Group (HCG), brings together scholars from all disciplines interested in conceptual history. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary exchange on the problems and practice of the history of concepts and fosters the international network of conceptual historians.

The motto of the 2022 conference “Global Modernity. Emotions, Temporalities and Concepts” takes up two prominent movements within conceptual history: its globalization and its increasing interest in temporalities and brings them into conversation with the history of emotions.

The conference is organized by the History of Concepts Group, the Research Area "Global History" of Freie Universität Berlin, the "Center for the History of Emotions" at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin and the "Institute of Islamic Studies" at Freie Universität Berlin. It will take place in Berlin, 7-9 April 2022 at the campus of the Freie Universität Berlin.

The call for papers has closed, but guests are more than welcome to register until the 21st of March. To register, please visit:

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