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Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Political Networks of Africans, Asians and Latin Americans in Interwar Paris


Research and Teaching Assistants

Cecilia T. Fernandez (cterrerofernandez@gmail.com)

Dr. Michael Goebel

This project, funded by the European Union with the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, examined the political networks forged by Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans in Paris between the two World Wars. Its principal goal was to arrive at a better understanding of how these networks contributed to the discursive construction of evolving cultural identities and antiimperial nationalisms among the foreigners and colonial subjects residing in Paris. The project is situated at the intersection of migration history, colonial history, and intellectual history, thus bringing together strands of scholarship that so far have too often been compartmentalized into subfields.

The monograph Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism emerged from this project. The book foregrounds the role of migration and interaction as driving forces enabling challenges to the imperial world order, weaving together the stories of peoples of three continents. Watch a short interview on the book here, listen to a one-hour interview here, and read a longer one by the Toynbee Prize Foundation here. Read an extract here. Find reviews of the book on the pages of the American Historical Review, the Journal of the History of Ideas Blog, H-Soz-Kult and the New Left Review.

Further results of the research project were published on the pages of Global Urban History, Imperial & Global Forum and Libération. Furthermore, The American Historical Review will publish the article “The Capital of the Men Without a Country: Migrants and Anticolonialism in Interwar Paris” in October or December 2016.


06/2016: Talk: Lecture Series Global History, Universität Heidelberg: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

06/2016: Workshop Organizer and Talk: “Immigration and National Identities in Latin America”, Freie Universität Berlin: “Reconceptualizing Diasporas and National Identities in Latin America”.

04/2016: Talk: SFB Colloquium “Spaces of Migration – Eastern Europe in Comparison”, Universität Leipzig: “Migration and Space in the Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and Nationalism in the Global South”.

02/2016: Talk: Lecture Series “Americans in Paris”, University of Sussex: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

02/2016: Talk: Passionate Politics Reading Group, University College London (invited to discuss Anti-Imperial Metropolis).

10/2015: Talk: International History Seminar Series, Georgetown University: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

10/2015: Talk: Columbia University European Institute, Barnard Forum on Migration, and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

09/2015: Talk: History Department, Tufts University: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

09/2015: Talk: Harvard International and Global History Seminar, Harvard University: “Anti-Imperial Metropolis: Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism”.

Seit 07/2015: Organization of Global History Colloquium at the FU Berlin (with Sebastian Conrad) – including a biannual workshop

05/2015: Talk: Summer School for Doctoral Students in Global History, Princeton University and Humboldt Universität, Berlin: “Paris, an Anti-Imperial Metropolis”.

04/2015: Keynote: International Student Conference “Global History”, Berlin: “Global Urban History: The World in Parisian Archives”.

02/2015: Talk: Lecture Series “Une histoire transnationale et globale de la France, 1750–2013”, École Normale Supérieure, Paris: “La métropole anti-impériale: Paris et les germes du nationalisme tiers-mondiste, 1919-1940“.

02/2015: Talk: Conference “The New Ethnic Studies: Issues and Methods”, Tel Aviv University: “The Political Networks of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans in Interwar Paris”.

10/2014: Talk: German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher, “Global History”, St. Petersburg State University: “The Political Networks of Africans and Asians in Interwar Paris”.

09/2014: Roundtable Convener and Talk: “Historia de América latina e historia global,” Kongress der Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos, Berlin

09/2014: Panel Convener and Talk: “Anti-Colonialism in Europe, 1900–1940,” Fourth European Congress on World and Global History, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

06/2014: Talk: Colloquium: Latin American History, Freie Universität Berlin: “Latin American Anti-Imperialism in Interwar Paris”.

06/2014: Talk: Siem Reap, Kambodscha: French Colonial Historical Society, Annual Conference: “Vietnamese Migration and Global Anti-Imperialism”.

05/2014: Talk: Michael Goebel, "Die anti-imperialistische Metropole. Die Politik von Afrikanern, Asiaten und Lateinamerikanern im Paris der Zwischenkriegszeit"; Colloquium Förster, Gerlach, Scheuzger, Studer

05/2014: Talk: Michael Goebel, "Anti-Imperialism and Latin American Regionalism in Interwar Paris" ; Colloquium for Latin American History (Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke)

03/2014: Radio Talk "Solanto párajos" (Spanisch) with Atilio Bleta und Michael Goebel

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