Prof. Dr. Maria Macuch

Institute of Iranian Studies
Fabeckstr. 23/25
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
1990 Member of the Societas Iranologica Europaea
1993 Editor of the series Iranica, published by Harrassowitz
1996-2005 Election to the Board of the Deutsche Hochschullehrerinnenbund
1999 Election to the Board of the Societas Iranologica Europaea
2004 Member of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft
2003-2007 President of the Societas Iranologica Europaea
2007 Member of the Advisory Board of the Orient-Okzident-Gesellschaft e.V.
2007 Member of the Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum
2013 Honorary Fellow of the Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge
Main areas of research
- Pre-Islamic Iran; languages; religious, social, legal history;
- Pahlavi legal sources
- Middle Persian legal terminology;
- Reconstruction of Sasanian law and its relation to Zoroastrian theology and jurisprudence;
- Impact of Zoroastrian/Sasanian law on other legal systems of the Middle and Near East (Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Byzantine law);
- Pre-Islamic Iranian literatures;
- Classical Persian literature.
- Books
- Articles
- Articles on the history of scholarship
- Reviews
- Editor of the Series Iranica
- Conferences and papers delivered
1. Books
- Das sasanidische Rechtsbuch Mātakdān i hazār Dātistān (Teil II). Wiesbaden 1981 (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, XLV, 1). xii, 268 pp.
- (Ed. with C. Müller-Kessler und B. Fragner): Studia Semitica necnon Iranica: Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata. Wiesbaden 1989. xliv, 418 pp.
- Rechtskasuistik und Gerichtspraxis zu Beginn des siebenten Jahrhunderts in Iran: Die Rechtssammlung des Farroḫmard i Wahrāmān. Wiesbaden 1993 (Iranica 1). xiv, 807 pp.
- (Ed. with M. Maggi and W. Sundermann): Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turan: Ronald E. Emmerick Memorial Volume. Wiesbaden 2007 (Iranica 13). xxvii, 490 pp.
- (Ed. with R.E. Emmerick): Pre-Islamic Iranian Literature. Companion Volume I to A History of Persian Literature. London 2009 (A History of Persian Literature XVII). xxii, 526 pp.
- (Ed. with Dieter Weber and Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst: Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies, held in Vienna, 18–22 September 2007. Wiesbaden 2010 (Iranica 19). X, 278 pp.
- (Ed. with Iris Colditz, Benjamin Jokisch): Transferprozesse in spätantiken Rechssystemen. Rezeption, Transformation und Rekontextualisierung von Rechtsbegriffen. (Episteme in Bewegung 10) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2017.
2. Articles
- "Die Zeitehe im sasanidischen Recht – ein Vorläufer der šīcitischen mutca-Ehe in Iran?" In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 18 (1985), 187–203.
- "Sasanidische Institutionen in frühislamischer Zeit (Zusammenfassung)." In: Transition Periods in Iranian History: Actes du symposium de Fribourg-en-Brisgau (22–24 Mai 1985). Leuven 1987 (Studia Iranica, Cahier 5), 177–179.
- "Die Erwähnung der Ordalzeremonie des Ādurbād i Māraspandān im Ardā Wīrāz Nāmag." In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 20 (1987), 319–322.
- "Barda and Bardadārīh. ii. In the Sasanian Period." In: Encyclopædia Iranica. Vol. III, Fasc. 7. London 1988, 763–766.
- "Der dastwar, ‘auctor’, im sasanidischen Zivilprozeß." In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 21 (1988), 181–192.
- "Ein mittelpersischer terminus technicus im syrischen Rechtskodex des Īšōcbōḫt und im sasanidischen Rechtsbuch." In: Studia Semitica necnon Iranica Rudolpho Macuch septuagenario ab amicis et discipulis dedicata. Wiesbaden 1989, 149–160.
- "Eine alte Bemessungsgrundlage für die ‘Tagesration’ in den Pahlavi-Schriften." In: Salaires, prix, poids et mesures. Ed. by R. Gyselen. Paris 1990 (Res orientales 2), 139–142.
- "Charitable Foundations in the Sasanian Period." In: Encyclopædia Iranica. Vol. V, Fasc. 4. Costa Mesa, California 1991, 380–382.
- "Inzest im vorislamischen Iran." In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 24 (1991), 141–154.
- "Die sasanidische Stiftung ‘für die Seele’ – Vorbild für den islamischen waqf?" In: Iranian and Indo-European Studies: Memorial Volume of Otakar Klíma. Ed. by P. Vavroušek. Praha 1994, 163–180.
- "Herrschaftskonsolidierung und sasanidisches Familienrecht: zum Verhältnis von Kirche und Staat unter den Sasaniden." In: Iran und Turfan: Beiträge Berliner Wissenschaftler, Werner Sundermann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet. Ed. by Chr. Reck/P. Zieme. Wiesbaden 1995 (Iranica 2), 149–167.
- "Die Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit im sasanidischen Recht." In: Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Iranian Studies held in Bamberg, 30th September to 4th October 1991, by the Societas Iranologica Europaea. Ed. by B.G. Fragner [et al.]. Rom 1995 (Serie orientale Roma 73), 415–424.
- "The Use of Seals in Sasanian Jurisprudence." In: Sceaux d’orient et leur emploi. Textes réunis par R. Gyselen. Bures-sur-Yvette 1997 (Res orientales 10), 79–87.
- "Dämonen. IV. Iran in vorislamischer Zeit." In: Der Neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike. Bd. III. Stuttgart 1997, 260–261.
- "Zur Bildersprache der persischen mystischen Dichtung." In: Religiöse Sprache und ihre Bilder: Von der Bibel bis zur modernen Lyrik. Ed. by A. Hölscher/R. Kampling. Berlin 1998 (Schriften der Diözesanakademie Berlin 14), 175–199.
- "Familie. III. Iran, Sāsānidenperiode." In: Der Neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike. Bd. IV. Stuttgart 1998, 407–408.
- "Frau. E. Iran, Sāsānidenperiode." In: Der Neue Pauly: Enzyklopädie der Antike. Bd. IV. Stuttgart 1998, 633–634.
- "Iranian Legal Terminology in the Babylonian Talmud in the Light of Sasanian Jurisprudence." In: Irano-Judaica IV: Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture Throughout the Ages. Ed. by Sh. Shaked/A. Netzer. Jerusalem 1999, 91–101.
- "Gottes-Suche und Gottes-Erfahrung in der persischen Sufi-Dichtung." In: Gottes-Krise und Gott-Trunkenheit: Was die Mystik der Weltreligionen der Gegenwart zu sagen hat. Ed. by M. Delgado/A.P. Kustermann. Würzburg 2000, 134–158.
- "A Zoroastrian Legal Term in the Dēnkard: pahikār-rad." In: Iran: Questions et connaissances. Vol. I: La période ancienne. Ed. by Ph. Huyse. Paris 2002 (Studia Iranica, Cahier 25), 77–90.
- "The Talmudic Expression ‘Servant of the Fire’ in the Light of Pahlavi Legal Sources." In: JerusalemStudies in Arabic and Islam 26 (2002) [= Volume in Honour of Shaul Shaked], 109–129.
- "On the Treatment of Animals in Zoroastrian Law." In: Iranica Selecta: Studies in honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Ed. by A. van Tongerloo. Turnhout 2003 (Silk Road Studies 8), 167–190.
- "Zoroastrian Principles and the Structure of Kinship in Sasanian Iran." In: Religious Themes and Texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia: Studies in honour of Professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6 December 2002. Ed. by C.G. Cereti/M. Maggi/E. Provasi. Wiesbaden 2003 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 24), 231–246.
- "Pious Foundations in Byzantine and Sasanian Law." In: La Persia e Bisanzio. Convegno internazionale, Roma, 14–18 ottobre 2002. Ed. by Gh. Gnoli. Roma 2004 (Atti dei convegni Lincei 201), 181–196.
- "On Middle Persian Legal Terminology." In: Middle Iranian Lexicography: Proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, 9–11 April 2001. Ed. by C.G. Cereti/M. Maggi. Roma (Orientalia Romana 8) 2005, 375–386.
- "Inheritance. i. Sasanian Period." In: Encyclopædia Iranica. Vol. XIII. New York 2005, 125–131.
- "Language and Law: Linguistic Pecularities in Sasanian Jurisprudence." In: Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian Studies in Memoriam David N. MacKenzie. Ed. by D. Weber. Wiesbaden 2005 (Iranica 8), 95–108.
- "The Function of Temporary Marriage in the Context of Sasanian Family Law." In: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea held in Ravenna, October 6–11, 2003. Vol. I: Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies. Ed. by A. Panaino/A. Piras. Milano 2006, 585–597.
- "On the Legal Nasks of the Dēnkard." In: Religious Texts in Iranian Languages: Symposium held in Copenhagen May 2002. Ed. by F. Vahman/C. Pedersen. Copenhagen 2007, 151–164.
- "The Pahlavi Marriage Contract in the Light of Sasanian Family Law." In: Iranian Languages and Texts from Iran and Turan. Ronald E. Emmerick Memorial Volume. Ed. by M. Macuch/M. Maggi/W. Sundermann. Wiesbaden 2007 (Iranica 13), 183–204.
- "Sasaniden." In: Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei. Ed. by H. Heinen [et al.]. Stuttgart 2008 (Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei, Beiheft 5).
- "Der ‘iranisierte’ Islam: Zur Entstehung einer eigenwilligen Synthese." In: Iran und iranisch geprägte Kulturen: Studien zum 65. Geburtstag von Bert G. Fragner. Ed. by B. Hoffmann/R. Kauz/M. Ritter. Wiesbaden 2008 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 27), 315–335.
- "An Iranian Legal Term in the Babylonian Talmud and in Sasanian Jurisprudence: dastwar." In: Irano-Judaica VI: Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture Throughout the Ages. Ed. by Sh. Shaked/A.Netzer. Jerusalem 2008, 126–138.
- "Zur juristischen Terminologie der Berliner Pahlavi-Dokumete." In: D. Weber: Berliner Pahlavi-Dokumente. Zeugnisse spätsassanidischer Brief- und Rechtskultur aus frühislamischer Zeit. Wiesbaden 2008 (Iranica 15), 249–266.
- "Pahlavi Literature." In: The Literature of Pre-Islamic Iran. Companion Volume I to A History of Persian Literature. Ed. by R.E. Emmerick/M. Macuch. London 2009 (History of Persian Literature XVII), 116–190.
- "Gelehrte Frauen: ein ungewöhnliches Motiv in der Pahlavi-Literatur." In: Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit. Colloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Werner Sundermann. Ed. by D. Durkin-Meisterernst/Chr. Reck/D. Weber. Wiesbaden 2009 (Beiträge zur Iranistik 31), 135–151.
- "Disseminating the Mazdayasnian Religion: An Edition of the Pahlavi Hērbedestān Chapter 5." In: Exegisti monumenta. Festschrift in Honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams. Ed. by W. Sundermann/A. Hintze/ F. de Blois. Wiesbaden 2009 (Iranica 17), 251–277.
- "Die sasanidische fromme Stiftung und der islamische waqf: Eine Gegenüberstellung." In: Islamische Stiftungen zwischen juristischer Norm und sozialer Praxis. Ed. by A. Meier/J. Pahlitzsch/L. Reinfandt. Berlin 2009, 19–38.
- "Judicial and Legal System. iii. Sasanian Legal System." In: Encyclopædia Iranica XV, New York 2009, 181–196.
- "The Hērbedestān as a Legal Source: A Section on the Inheritance of a Convert to Zoroastrianism." In: Bulletin of the Asia Institute 19 (2009), 91-102 [= Iranian and Zoroastrian Studies in Honor of Prods Oktor Skjærvø].
- "Legal Constructions of Identity in the Sasanian Period." In: Iranian Identity in the Course of History. Proceedings of the Conference Held in Rome, 21–24 September 2005. Ed. by Carlo G. Cereti. Roma 2010 (Orientalia Romana 9), 193–212.
- "Allusions to Sasanian Law in the Babylonian Talmud." In:The Talmud in its Iranian Context. Ed. by Carol Bakhos, M. Rahim Shayegan. Tübingen 2010, 100–111.
- "Incestuous Marriage in the Context of Sasanian Family Law." In: Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies, held in Vienna, 18–22 September 2007. Ed. by M. Macuch, D. Weber, D. Durkin-Meisterernst. Wiesbaden 2010, 133–148.“Die vorislamischen Wurzeln des Schāhnāme von Ferdausi”. In: Heroische Zeiten. Tausend Jahre persisches Buch der Könige. Ed. by J. Gonnella, Ch. Rauch, Berlin 2011, S. 22-27.
- “Die vorislamischen Wurzeln des Schāhnāme von Ferdausi”. In: Heroische Zeiten. Tausend Jahre persisches Buch der Könige. Ed. by J. Gonnella, Ch. Rauch, Berlin 2011, S. 22-27.
- "The adwadād Offence in Zoroastrian Law.“ In: Shoshannat Yaakov. Jewish and Iranian Studies in Honor of Yaakov Elman. Ed. Shai Secunda and Steven Fine, Leiden/Boston 2012 (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 35), 247-269.
- "The Pre-Islamic Roots of Firdausi’s Shahnama." In: Heroic Times. A Thousand Years of the Persian Book of Kings. Ed. J. Gonnella, Ch. Rauch, Berlin 2012, 22-27.
- "Editing Pahlavi Legal Texts: Difficulties and Future Tasks." In: The Transmission of the Avesta. Ed. by Alberto Cantera. Wiesbaden 2012 (Iranica 20), 519-540.
- "Vorislamisches iranisches Recht." In: Handbuch der Iranistik. Ed. Ludwig Paul. Wiesbaden 2013, 123-132.
- "Iranische Literaturen in vorislamischer Zeit." In: Handbuch der Iranistik. Ed. Ludwig Paul. Wiesbaden 2013, 281-311.
- “Ardashir’s Genealogy Revisited”. In: Iran Nameh. A Special Issue Honoring Jaleh Amouzgar. Ed. Parvaneh Pourshariati, Mohamad Tavakoli, vol. 29, 2014, pp. 80-94.
- „Mādayān ī hazār dādestān, ‘Book of a Thousand Judgements’. Pahlavi Law-Book from the Late Sasanian Period (first half of the seventh century)“. In: Encyclopædia Iranica (Online publication:
- “Jewish Jurisdiction within the Framework of the Sasanian Legal System”. In: Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon: Scholarly Conversations between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians in Antiquity. Ed. Uri Gabbay and Shai Secunda, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014, 147-160.
- “The Case against Mār Abā, the Catholicos, in the Light of Sasanian Law”. In: ARAM. Zoroastrianism in the Levant and the Amorites, vol. 26.1&2, Oxford: The Oriental Institute 2014, 47-58.
- “Law in Pre-modern Zoroastrianism”. In: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism. Ed. Michael Stausberg and Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons 2015, 289-298.
- “Legal Implications of Mazdakite Teaching According to the Dēnkard”. In: Husraw Ier Reconstructions d’un Règne. Sources et Documents. Ed. Christelle Jullien, Paris: Association pour l’Avancement des Études Iraniennes 2015 (Studia Iranica. Cahier 53), 155-174.
- “Precision Orientated Legal Terminology in the Sasanian Law of Inheritance”. In: From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in Honour of Éva M. Jeremiás. Ed. Iv’an Szántó, Piliscsaba: The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies 2015, 129-146.
- „Substance and Fruit in the Sasanian Law of Property and the Babylonian Talmud.“ In: The Archaeology and Material Culture of the Babylonian Talmud. Ed. Markham J. Geller, Leiden, Boston: Brill 2015, 245-259.
- “Türken in der zoroastrischen Literatur”. In Eine hundertblättrige Tulpe – Bir ṣadbarg lāla. Festgabe für Claus Schönig. Ed. Ingeborg Hauenschild, Matthias Kappler, Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag 2016, 308-331.
- “The Legal Context of the Tabarestan Court Records (Tab. 1-8,10). In: Words and Symbols: Sasanian Objects and the Tabarestān Archive. Ed. R. Gyselen (Res Orientales XXIV), Bures-sur-Yvette 2016, pp. 145-170.
- “’This is the Law of the Persians’ – An Allusion to the Sasanian Law of Surety in the Babylonian Talmud”. In: Iran-Nameh. New Series. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2016 [=Memorial Volume in Honour of Professor Amnon Netzer (1934-2008)], pp. XVIII-XXVIII.
- “A Legal Controversy from the Sasanian Period in a Late Pahlavi Rivāyat Text”. In: Studia Philologica Iranica. Gherardo Gnoli Memorial Volume. Ed. Enrico Morano, Elio Provasi, Adriano V. Rossi, Roma 2017, pp. 257-272.
- “A Case of Loan and Mortgage in a Late Pahlavi Text”. In: Team “Turfanforschung” (ed.), Zur Lichten Heimat. Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann. (Iranica 25) Wiesbaden 2017: Harrassowitz, pp. 355-370.
- “Descent and Inheritance in Zoroastrian and Shiite Law: a Preliminary Study”. In: Der Islam 94 (2), 2017, pp. 322-335.
- “Pahlavi Legal Documents from Tabarestān on Lease, Loan and Compensation: the Juristic Context (Tab. 13,14, 15, 17, 18, 23)”. In: Rika Gyselen (ed.), Sasanian Coins, Middle-Persian Etymology and the Tabarestān Archive. Res Orientales XXVI. Bures-sur-Yvette 2017, pp. 165-195.
- “Einleitung”. In: Iris Colditz, Benjamin Jokisch, Maria Macuch (eds.), Transferprozesse in spätantiken Rechssystemen. Rezeption, Transformation und Rekontextualisierung von Rechtsbegriffen. (Episteme in Bewegung 10) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2017, pp. 1-7.
In the press:
- „A Pahlavi Legal Term in Jesuboxt’s Corpus Iuris: wehdādestān(īh).“ In: Irano-Judaica VII: Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture Throughout the Ages.
- “Mazdakite Heresy and Esotericism in the late Zoroastrian Tradition”. In: Knowledge to die for: Transmission of Prohibited and Esoteric Knowledge in Space and Time, Proceedings of the Topoi Excellence Cluster, FU Berlin, May 2-4, 2011.
- “Descent in Faridun’s Line: An Epic Narrative in the Light of Zoroastrian Law”. In Festschrift for Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Ed. Shervin Farridnejad.
3. Articles on the history of scholarship
- "Rudolf Macuch." In: Und das Leben ist siegreich! / And Life is Victorious. Mandäische und samaritanische Literatur / Mandean and Samaritan Literature. Im Gedenken an Rudolf Macuch / In Memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919–1993). Ed. by R. Voigt. Wiesbaden 2008 (Mandäistische Forschungen 1), 9–16.
- "Geschichte der Iranistik an der Freien Universität Berlin." In: Kleine Wissenschaftsgeschichte der FUB. [im Druck]
- "Behalte den Flug in Erinnerung …" – Leben und Werk von Rudolf Macuch. Conference in Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovakia), Sept. 19.-20.2014.
- 2014 „Rudolf Macuch“. In: Christlicher Orient im Porträt – Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Christlichen Orients“ II. Ed. Predrag Bukovec, Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2014, 1035-1054.
4. Reviews
- D. Monchi-Zadeh: Die Geschichte Zarers. Ausführlich kommentiert. Uppsala 1981 (Studia Indoeuropaea Upsaliensia 4). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 133 (1983), 454–455.
- F.M. Kotwal/J.W. Boyd (eds.): Ērbadistān ud Nīrangistān. Facsimile Edition of the Manuscript TD. Cambridge/London 1980 (Harvard Iranian Series 3). In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 79 (1984), Nr. 6, 581–583.
- K. Mosig-Walburg:Die frühen sasanidischen Könige als Vertreter und Förderer der zarathustrischen Religion. Eine Untersuchung der zeitgenössischen Quellen. Frankfurt a.M. 1982 (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 3; Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften 166). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 135 (1985), 134–135.
- Ph. Gignoux: Le livre d’Ardā Vīrāz. Translittération, transcription et traduction du texte pehlevi. Paris 1984 (Recherche sur les Civilisations, Cahier 14). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 139 (1989), 252–253.
- E. Pataq Simon: Narsai. Cinq homélies sur les paraboles évangéliques. Introduction et traduction. Paris 1984. In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 140 (1990), 158–159.
- S. Berengian: Azeri and Persian Literary Works in Twentieth Century Iranian Azerbaijan. Berlin 1988 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 124). In: Der Islam 69 (1992), 352–353.
- M. Boyce: A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism. Based on the Ratanbai Katrak lectures, 1975. Oxford 1977 (Persian Studies Series 12) [repr. Lanham/New York/London 1989]. In: Der Islam 69 (1992), 171–173.
- A.V. Williams: The Pahlavi Rivāyat Accompanying the Dādestān ī Dēnīg. Part I: Transliteration, Transcription and Glossary. Part II: Translation, Commentary and Pahlavi Text. Kopenhagen 1990 (Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 60:1–2). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 142 (1992), 386–388.
- D. Weber: Ostraca, Papyri und Pergamente. Textband. London 1992 (Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum, part III: Pahlavi Inscriptions, vol. IV: Ostraca and vol. V: Papyri). In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 89 (1994), Nr. 5/6, 576–581; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 145 (1995), 182–184.
- K. M. JamaspAsa: The Avesta Codex F 1 (Niyāyišns and Yašts). Facsimile Edition with an Introduction. Wiesbaden 1991. In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 145 (1995), 222.
- F.M. Kotwal/Ph.G. Kreyenbroek: The Hērbedestān and Nērangestān. Volume I: Hērbedestān. Paris 1992 (Studia Iranica, Cahier 10). In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 58 (1995), 372–375.
- M. Kunke: Nomadenstämme in Persien im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Berlin 1991 (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 151). In: Der Islam 73 (1996), 26–28.
- Sh. Shaked: Dualism in Transformation. Varieties of Religion in Sasanian Iran. London 1994 (Jordan Lectures 1991). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 146 (1996), 653–656.
- Ph. Gignoux/A. Tafazzoli: Anthologie de Zādspram. Édition critique du texte Pehlevi traduit et commenté. Paris 1993 (Studia Iranica, Cahier 13). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 149 (1999), 425–430.
- D. Yeroushalmi: The Judeo-Persian Poet ʿEmrani and his „Book of Treasure“. Edited, Translated & Annotated Together with a Critical Study. Leiden 1995 (Etudes sur le judaisme médiéval 15). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 152 (2002), 425–427.
- C.G. Cereti: The Zand ī Wahman Yasn. A Zoroastrian Apocalypse. Rom 1995 (Serie orientale Roma 75). In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 153 (2003), 230–235.
- D.M. Friedenberg: Sasanian Jewry and ist Culture. A Lexicon of Jewish and Related Seals. Introduction by Norman Golb. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois 2009. In: Iranian Studies 2013.
5. Editor of the Series Iranica
- Since 1993 editor of the series Iranica, Harrassowitz Publishing House, Wiesbaden. List of Iranica volumes
6. Conferences and papers delivered
- „XXI. Deutscher Orientalistentag“, Congress of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, March 24–29, 1980, Berlin. Paper: „Zur Ḫwasrāyūn/ēn-Ehe im sasanidischen Recht“.
- „Transition Periods in Iranian History“, Symposium of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, May 22–24, 1985, Freiburg. Paper: „Sasanidische Institutionen in frühislamischer Zeit“.
- „Second European Conference of Iranian Studies“, held by the Societas Iranologica Europaea, September 30 – October 4, 1991, Bamberg. Paper: „Die Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit im sasanidischen Recht“.
- „Third Irano-Judaica International Conference“, under the auspices of the Ben-Zvi Institut, July 3–6, 1994, Jerusalem. Paper: „Iranian Legal Terminology in the Babylonian Talmud in the Light of Sasanian Jurisprudence“.
- „Frauen und Transformationsprozesse in außereuropäischen Gesellschaften“, Lecture Series of the Freie Universität Berlin, winter term 1996. Paper: „Fremd-und Selbstwahrnehmungen: zwei Reiseberichte englischer Frauen über Persien“.
- „Religiöse Sprache und ihre Bilder“, Lecture Series of the Freie Universität Berlin and Diözesanakademie Berlin, summer term 1996. Paper: „Zur Bildersprache der persischen mystischen Dichtung“.
- „Islam ist nicht gleich Islam: Annäherungen an eine Weltkultur“, Lecture Series of the Freie Universität Berlin, winter term 1997. Paper: „Iran und Islam: Aspekte einer eigenwilligen Synthese“.
- „‘Gott allein genügt’ – die Gottes-Krise der Gegenwart und die Gott-Trunkenheit in der jüdischen, christlichen und islamischen Mystik“, Conference of the Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, May 12–14, 1999, Stuttgart. Paper: „Gottes-Suche und Gottes-Erfahrung in der persischen Sufi-Dichtung“.
- „Fourth European Conference of Iranian Studies“, held by the Societas Iranologica Europaea, September 6–10, 1999, Paris. Paper: „A Zoroastrian Legal Term in the Dēnkard: pahikār-rad“.
- „New and Current Trends in Iranian Studies“, Colloquium of the Board of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, March 25, 2000, Ravenna. Paper: „The Legal Background of an Iranian Expression in the Babylonian Talmud“.
- „Middle Iranian Lexicography“, Conference of the Universityof Rome „La Sapienza“ and theIstituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, April 9–11, 2001, Rome. Paper: „On Middle Persian Legal Terminology“.
- „Religious Texts in Iranian Languages“, Mid-term Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea and the University of Copenhagen, May 18–22, 2002,Copenhagen. Paper: „On the Legal Nasks of the Dēnkard“.
- „La Persia e Bisanzio“, Conference of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, October 14–18, 2002, Rome. Paper: „Pious Foundations in Byzantine and Sasanian Law“.
- Lecture at the Schoolof African and Oriental Studies, May 1, 2003, London. Paper: „On the Treatment of Animals in Zoroastrian Law“.
- „Fifth Irano-Judaica International Conference“, under the auspices of the Ben-Zvi Institute, September 14–17, 2003, Piliscsaba (Hungary). Paper: „An Iranian Legal Term in the Babylonian Talmud and in Sasanian Jurisprudence: dastwar“.
- „Fifth European Conference of Iranian Studies“, held by the Societas Iranologica Europaea, October 6–11, 2003, Ravenna. Paper: „The Function of Temporary Marriage in the Context of Sasanian Family Law“.
- „And Life is Victorious!“, Conference on Mandaean and Samaritan Literature - in Memory of Rudolf Macuch (1919–1993), Freie Universität Berlin, October 1–2, 2003. Paper: „Rudolf Macuch, Life and Work“.
- Colloquium of the Board of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, March 28–29, 2004, Kraków (Poland). Paper: „Language and Law: Linguistic Peculiarities in Sasanian Jurisprudence“.
- „XXIX. Deutscher Orientalistentag: Barrieren – Passagen“, Congress of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, October 20–24, 2004, Halle (Germany). Paper: „Pious Foundations and their Legal Status in Sasanian Iran“.
- „Islamische Stiftungen (waqf) und ihre sozialen Funktionen im Spannungsfeld von Stiftungsrecht uns Stiftungspraxis“, workshop of the Freie Universität Berlin, December 3–4, 2004. Paper: „Die sasanidische fromme Stiftung und das islamische waqf: Eine Gegenüberstellung“.
- „Iranian Identity in the Course of History“, Mid-term Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, September 21–24, 2005, Rome. Paper: „Legal Constructions of Identity in the Sasanian Period“.
- „Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit“, Colloquium in honour of the 70th birthday of Professor Werner Sundermann at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, March 30–31, 2006, Berlin. Paper: „Gelehrte Frauen: ein ungewöhnliches Motiv in der Pahlavi-Literatur“.
- „Recent Research in Iranian Studies“, Colloquium of the Board of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, April 28, 2006, Berlin. Paper: „Legal Terminology in the Pahlavi Model Marriage Contract“.
- „Sixth Irano-Judaica International Conference“, under the auspices of the Ben-Zvi Institute, September 10–12, 2006, Hamburg. Paper: „A Pahlavi Legal Term in Jesuboxt’s Corpus Iuris: wehdādestān(īh)“.
- „The Talmud in its Iranian Context“, Conference at the University of California in Los Angeles, May 6–7, 2007. Paper: „Allusions to Sasanian Law in the Babylonian Talmud“.
- „Orient und Okzident: Konflikte und Koexistenz von Rechtskulturen“, Conference of the International Max Planck Research Institute for Comparative Legal History, June 27–29, 2007, Schloss Ringberg, Tegernsee (Germany). Paper: „Zoroastrisches Recht im islamischen Gewand: zur Fortwirkung vorislamischer Institutionen in islamischer Zeit“.
- „Sixth European Conference of Iranian Studies“, held by the Societas Iranologica Europaea, September 18–22, 2007, Vienna. Paper: „Incestuous Marriage in the Context of Sasanian Family Law“.
- „Kulturwissenschaftliche Iranforschung“, series of lectures at the Institut für Iranistik, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, January 10, 2008, Vienna. Paper: „Die iranische Zeitehe: eine vorislamische Institution im schiitischen Gewand“.
- „Zoroastrians Past and Present“, International Conference held at the Ancient India and Iran Trust, June 7–8, 2008, Cambridge. Paper: „The Clause on Property in the Model Pahlavi Marriage Contract“.
- „Iranian Jewry: From Past to Present“, International Conference at the University of Maryland, College Park, November 1–3, 2008. Paper: „The Sasanian Legal System and the Babylonian Talmud“.
- „Talmudic Archeology“, International Conference held at University College London, June 22–24, 2009. Paper: „Substance and Fruit in the Sasanian Law of Property and the Babylonian Talmud“.
- „Poets, priests, scribes and (e-) librarians. The transmission of holy wisdom in Zoroastrianism“, International Mid-term Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea at the University of Salamanca, September 2–5, 2009. Paper: „Editing Pahlavi Legal Texts: Difficulties and Future Tasks“.
- „New Trends in Late Antique Iran“, Panel of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies, International Conference of the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), November 21–24, 2009, Boston. Paper: „The Clause on Property in the Pahlavi Marriage Contract“.
- "The Family as a Social Unit in the Legal Systems of the Near and Middle East (3rd-13th Centuries)" ("Die Familie als Sozialverband in den orientalischen Rechtssystemen [3.-13.Jh.]"), Interdisciplinary Workshop at the Institut für Iranistik of the Freie Universität Berlin, March 27, 2010. Paper: "Heiratsmuster und Erbschaftsstrategien im zoroastrisch-sasanidischen Familienrecht".
- "Zoroastrianism in the Levant", ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, 05-07 July 2010. The Oriental Institute, Oxford University. Paper: "The Case against Mār Abā, the Catholicos, in the Light of Sasanian Law".
- "Knowledge to die for: Transmission of Prohibited and Esoteric Knowledge in Space and Time", Topoi Excellence Cluster, FU Berlin, May 2-4, 2011. Paper: "Heresy and Esotericism in the Zoroastrian Tradition".
- "Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon: Scholarly Conversations between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians" Jerusalem, May 23-25, 2011. Paper: "Jewish Jurisdiction within the Framework of the Sasanian Legal System".
- "Seventh European Conference of the SIE (ECIS 7)", held in Cracow, Sept. 7-10, 2011. Paper: "A Legal Controversy from the Sasanian Period in a Late Pahlavi Rivāyat Text".
- Bailey Memorial Lecture; Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge, December 13, 2013. Paper: "Kinship Ties and Fictive Alliances in Sasanian Law".
- "De Byzance á Samarkand: Sources et Documents sur le règne de Husraw Ier", Conference in Paris, École Normale Supérieure, Oct. 17, 2014. Paper: "Legal Implications of Mazdakite Teaching According to the Dēnkard".
- “Wissensbewegungen – Bewegliches Wissen”, Ringvorlesung des SFB 980 („Episteme in Bewegung“), Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Philosophie, January 22, 2014. Paper: „Zum Transfer normativen Wissens am Beispiel des zoroastrischen und islamischen Rechts“.
- “Sláva Šláchetným (Glory for the Noble) 2014”. Liptovský Mikuláš (Slovak Rep.), Sept. 19.-20.2014. Paper: „’Behalte den Flug in Erinnerung…’ – Leben und Werk von Rudolf Macuch.“
- “De Byzance á Samarkand: Sources et Documents sur le règne de Husraw Ier”, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Oct. 17, 2014. Paper: “Legal Implications of Mazdakite Teaching According to the Dēnkard”.
- “Iran and Islam: Early Encounters. Formation of Islam and Transformation of Iranian Religious Traditions”, CERES, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany, March 12-13, 2015. Paper: “Descent and Inheritance in Zoroastrian and Shiite Law”.
- “Ehsan Yarshater Lectures”. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, November 6-22, 2015. Five lectures: Sasanian Law in its Social Context: (1) Legal Sources and Instruments of Law; (2) Kinship Ties and Fictive Alliances; (3) Property and Inheritance; (4) Civil and Criminal Proceedings; (5) Sasanian Law and Other Legal Systems.
- Lecture University of Chicago, USA, May 13, 2016: “Constructing Descent: Legal Strategies of Succession and Inheritance in Sasanian Iran”.
- Lecture World Zoroastrian Organisation, London, June 5, 2016: “The Zoroastrian Background of Sasanian Law”.
- “Minorities and Majorities in the Middle East and Asia”. Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14th-15th, 2016. Paper: “Rudolf Macuch – A Life Dedicated to the Study of Minorities”.
- Lecture University of St. Andrews, Scotland, October 17, 2016: “Middle Persian Court Records from Tabarestān: Recent Evidence on Legal Proceedings in Eighth-Century Iran”.
- Workshop University of St. Andrews, Scotland, October 18, 2016. Paper: “Legal Constructions of Consanguinity: Succession in Sasanian Iran”.
- Lecture Freie Universität Berlin, January 11, 2018. Paper: “Middle Persian Records from Tabarestān: Evidence on Legal Proceedings in Eighth Century Iran”.