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The Institute for the History of Knowledge in the Ancient World and the ERC-project "ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation"

Wednesday, 18:00-20:00 c.t.

Venue: Inst. f. the History of Knowledge, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 10, room 010, 14195 Berlin

convenors: Mathieu Ossendrijver and J. Cale Johnson

Download the program here

Summer term 2024  

15. April 2024


Francesca Rochberg (University of California, Berkeley

"The Ontological Turn and Why We Should Be Interested"

8. Mai 2024

Ulrike Steinert (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

"Therapeutic Agents and Medical Knowledge in First Millennium BCE Mesopotamia: New Insights from Women's Health Care Texts (and Beyond)"


29. Mai 2024

starts 16:00 c.t.!!!

Andreas Winkler (Freie Universität Berlin)

"A New Animal - the Development of the Egyptian Zodiac"

12. Juni 2024

Stamatina Mastorakou (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte)

"Unveiling the Celestial Imagery at the “Philosopher’s Tomb” at Pella
Winter term 2023/24  
13. November 2023

Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (Freie Universität Berlin)

"On the fourteenth day of the Moon, Hope and Peace were born: The earliest Greek lunarium"

20. November 2023

Friedhelm Hoffmann (Ludwing-Maximilians-Universität München)

"Zur Überlieferung ägyptischer medizinischer Rezepte im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. - Beobachtungen am römischen Papyrus Wien D6257"

04. Dezember 2023

Jeanette C. Fincke (Leiden)

"The Moon in the 'Cattle Pen': The Halo of the Moon as Seen by Assyrian and Babylonian Astronomers"

08. Januar 2024

Frederik Bakker (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen) starts at 17:00!!!

"The Truth of Epicurus' Multiple Explanantions for Celestial Phenomena”

15. Januar 2024

Mathieu Ossendrijver (Freie Universität Berlin)

"The Astronomers in Seleucid Uruk Revisited"

29. Januar 2024

Marvin Schreiber (Freie Universität Berlin)

"The Babylonian Number Syllabaries in Context: New Evidence and Tentative Interpretation"

05. Februar 2024

Annette Imhausen (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

"The Conceptualization of Mathmatics in Pharaonic Egypt"

Summer term 2023  
19. Juni 2023

Serafina Cuomo (Durham University)

"A distributed cognition framework in the study of ancient Greek and Roman numeracy"

12. Juni 2023

Anna Monte (Università degli Studi di Udine)

"Ophthalmology in Graeco-Roman Egypt: a papyrological journey through eye diseases and their ancient treatments"

5. Juni 2023

Adrian Pirtea (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte)

"Celestial Omen Texts in Late Antique and Early Medieval Eurasia. Towards a Connected History of the Astral Sciences"

8. Mai 2023

Sebastian Richter (Freie Universität Berlin)

"Al-Rāzī in Upper Egypt? A 9th-/10th-Century Coptic Archive of Medical and Alchemical Manuscripts and its Intellectual Background"

24. April 2023

Paul Unschuld (Charité Berlin)

"The manifold messages of the most ancient Chinese medical texts: Who informed the anonymous authors?"


Winter term 2022/23


13. Februar 2023          

Nils Heeßel (Philipps-Universität Marburg)

"Wie viel wog ein KISAL? Oder: Weshalb gab es neben dem Scheqel noch eine andere Gewichtseinheit in assyrisch-babylonischen Rezepten?"

16. Januar 2023

Jacob Dahl (University of Oxford)

"Back to the Future: Proto-Elamite and Linear Elamite"

12. Dezember 2022                                              

Stefanie Rudolf (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte)

A Great Star Falls" - Comets and Meteors in Syriac Literature and Language