June 24-25, 2024, Workshop “The Whole World in a Book – Encyclopaedic Trends and Orders of Knowledge in Jewish and Other Premodern Traditions”, RFE-Nadiv Research Network, Lausanne University and Hybrid
News from Jun 24, 2024
International Workshop (online and on-site)
The Whole World in a Book - Encyclopaedic Trends and Orders of Knowledge in Jewish and Other Premodern Traditions
Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-25 June 2024 (AND fully hybrid/online)
Sponsor: RFE-Research Network "Betwen Encyclopaedia and Epitome" (U. Tübingen, UCL, FU Berlin)
Co-sponsor: Institut romand des sciences bibliques (IRSB), Université de Lausanne
Organizers: Lennart Lehmhaus (IJS, UT). Markham J. Geller (IJS, UCL), David Hamidovic (UniL, IRSB)
Program/Poster: https://kurzlinks.de/r1mk
Registration: for online and on-site participation, please register with dario.barberis@unil.ch
Contact: lennart.lehmhaus@uni-tuebingen.de; m.geller@ucl.ac.uk
Venue: UniL (Lausanne University), Anthropole building, room 5033 (5th floor);
Quartier Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
13:45 Arrival/Registration/Welcome
14:15 Introduction
Mark Geller (UCL/ UniL)
14:30 Session 1: The whole world … - encyclopaedism and claims to comprehensiveness
Mattias Brand (U. Zürich), Between Systematizing and Situational Knowledge: Manichaean Answers to Life, the Universe and Everything (in-person)
Caroline Humfress (U. St. Andrews), “A way of thinking and talking about everything”: Junillus Africanus on Legal Exegesis and (Christian) Divine Law (online)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Session 2: Compilational strategies, strategies of knowledge making and encyclopaedic texts
Farina Marx (U. Düsseldorf), The Art of Selective Encyclopedism in Rabbinic Literature (online)
Hillel Feuerstein (FU Berlin/ BIU, Israel), Gathering Fragments, Recomposing Homilies: The Omissions in Zoharic Literature (in-person)
18:15 Session 3a Alternatives to the encyclopaedic format
Stefanie Rudolf (Tübingen), No need for an encyclopedia? – the rationale of Syriac medical collections (online)
Ca. 19:30 Dinner (for speakers only)
Venue: UniL (Lausanne University), Anthropole building, room 5033 (5th floor);
Quartier Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
9:30 Session 3b: Alternative encyclopaedic formats
Lilian Larsen, Encyclopedic Wisdom of Monks and Rabbis (in-person)
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Session 4: Cultural, religious and political contexts of encyclopaedic projects
Thomas Benfey (U. Tübingen), Khusrō I's Words in Dēnkard IV: Encyclopedism or Iranism (in-person)
Lennart Lehmhaus (U. Tübingen), Mountain hanging by a thread/Bowels hanging on three teeth - encyclopaedism and Talmudic knowledge production (in-person)
12:15 Lunch Break (paid for speakers only but all are invited to join)
13:45 Session 5: New world order(s)? Encyclopaedic projects and world-making
Andrea Gondos (U. Rochester), Sacred Encyclopedias: Competing Models of Esoteric Knowledge Organization in Judaism (in-person)
Regula Forster (U. Tübingen), The order of the world in a book. A natural encyclopaedia by the 14th-century alchemist Aydamir al-Jildakī (online)
15:15 Coffee Break
15:45 Session 6: Catalogues and libraries – encyclopaedic materialities and memory
Monika Amsler (U. Bern), The Encyclopedia as Library and the Library as Encyclopedia: On the Material Aspects of Worldmaking (in-person)
Katerina Oikomenopoulou (U. Patras), Catalogues, memory and epic in Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae (online)
17:15 Closing remarks
18:15 Dinner (for speakers only)