April/May 2024: DJHP WORKSHOP: Chrysopoetic Recipies and Chemical Theory in Medieval Greek and Arabic Texts, convened by L. Rau and A.M. Roberts
News from Apr 18, 2024
Leonie Rau, PhD candidate supervised by Beatrice Gruendler (FU/Arabic Studies) and J. Cale Johnson (MPIWG/Wissensgeschichte) is a Junior Host of the Dahlem Junior Host Program 2024. Together with her Co-Host Alexandre M. Roberts, they invited six researchers to Berlin on the topic of Chrysopoetics. The workshop investigates Greek and Arabic texts containing or concerning recipes for making gold, asking how and why their authors, readers, and users understood these recipes, as texts (genre), as procedures (what precisely they were meant to accomplish), and as examples of natural phenomena calling out for explanation (why and in what sense they worked). How do such recipes compare to other types of recipes (e.g., for drugs, ink, perfume, or foodstuffs)? How did understandings of chrysopoetic recipes change over time? And what can recipes teach us about developments in practical and theoretical chemistry over the course of the Greek and Arabic middle ages?
Contact and registration
Leonie Rau leonie.rau@fu-berlin.de and Alexandre M. Roberts robe941@usc.edu
MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2024 (prequel session)
Cristina Viano (CNRS/Sorbonne, Paris): The Commentary of Olympiodoros the Alchemist: A Puzzle to be Assembled | DISCUSSANT: Alexandre M. Roberts
Venue: Institut für Wissensgeschichte, hybrid participation via WebEx: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m618f2ff226bf4a32dec3dfa1d9140bc3
THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2024
Beatrice Gruendler (Freie Universität Berlin) | Welcoming Remarks, followed by a word of introduction from the convenors Leonie Rau and Alexandre Roberts
Regula Forster (Universität Tübingen): The Most Important Recipes? Al-Jildakī on Alchemy among the Specific Properties | DISCUSSANT: Beatrice Gruendler
Gerasimos Merianos (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens): Making, Simulating, and Counterfeiting Gold: What Was Chrysopœia Supposed to Mean? | DISCUSSANT: J. Cale Johnson
Lucia Raggetti (University of Bologna): On Pages, Clothes, Swords, and Shoes: The Supports’ Angle on Gold and Its Imitations | DISCUSSANT: Leonie Rau
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024
Vincenzo Carlotta (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Reiteration: A Procedural Step and Its Theoretical Implications in Byzantine Alchemy | DISCUSSANT: Jan J. van Ginkel
Alexandre M. Roberts (University of Southern California): Chrysopoetic Recipe as Locus for Chemical Exegesis in the Greek Hierotechnical Tradition | DISCUSSANT: Isabel Toral
Matteo Martelli (University of Bologna): Egg-Chrysopoeia in Byzantium | DISCUSSANT: Philip van der Eijk
Venue: Institut für Wissensgeschichte, in person participation.
The Chrysopoetic workshop series is supported by the DHJP - Dahlem Junior Host Program 2024, Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums, Freie Universität Berlin, J. Cale Johnson
Arabic Literature Cosmopolitan (DFG/Leibniz Prize), Arabic Studies Freie Universität Berlin, Beatrice Gruendler