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2 Scholarships for Doctoral Studies, Oct 1, 2024, “Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science”, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies

News from Aug 21, 2023

With funds from DAAD-GSSP, the BerGSAS invites applications for 2 doctoral scholarships within the “Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science” programme at Freie Universität Berlin.

Application is only possible for non-German citizens. We are accepting applications until 1 November 2023.

More information here: https://www.berliner-antike-kolleg.org/bergsas/ausschreibungen/index.html


Doctoral Programme

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science

Start of Doctoral studies

Wintersemester 2024/25

Possible Doctoral subjects (HU Berlin, or FU Berlin)

Ancient Philosophy, Classics, History of Ancient Science, Ancient Near Eastern Studies,  Arabic Philosophy and Science, Jewish Philosophy and Aesthetics

Funding institution

DAAD-Graduate School Scholarship Program

Funding period

4 years (subject to a satisfactory annual review): 1 October 2024 – 30 September 2028

Questions regarding the application will be answered by Dr Carmen Marcks-Jacobs; carmen.marcks-jacobs@berliner-antike-kolleg.org 


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