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1st Workshop Thematic Einstein Semester on Small Data Analysis, An interdisciplinary workshop on knowledge-driven analytics, MATH+, Nov 1-3, 2023

News from Sep 12, 2023

The next thematic Einstein semester (winter semester 23/24) is just around the corner. This time it is about the analysis of data sets that can be described as "small" compared to the complexity of possible questions. The Thematic Einstein Semester is based on such a data analysis and offers, among other things, three open workshops.

The first workshop will take place in November (no fees). It is primarily about the phase of data collection and about the transition from questions of the specialist discipline to a mathematical analysis. How does the organization of this phase influence the later scientific answer and how is expert knowledge represented? The analysis techniques will be discussed more intensively in the second workshop.

The first workshop is therefore in particular an exchange between the various disciplines and offers plenty of time for interdisciplinary discussions in the afternoon on specific issues that are raised in the morning lectures.

We would especially like to see mathematicians and non-mathematicians who are looking for research topics to meet at the workshop and find opportunities for cooperation in answering interesting questions.

For the program, please click here.

Registration and contact: TES_small_data@zib.de

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