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Academic Advising

If you are considering enrolling or are already enrolled in a degree program at Freie Universität Berlin, the Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling can provide you with information and advice on academic programs, content of programs and program requirements, admissions requirements, choosing your subjects, transferring between subjects and between higher education institutions, and any other questions you may have about studying at Freie Universität Berlin.

Individual Academic Advising

Individual academic advising is strongly recommended for beginning students. For advising on a course of study, any questions or problems especially regarding credits for both Bachelor and Master, please contact studienfachberatung-vaa@geschkult.fu-berlin.de.

Please have a look at the Q & A below before contacting us. 

Q & A

Can I receive only the credits of a seminar/colloquium (5 LP) that is part of a modul (10 LP) - e.g. Modul Fundgruppen & Typologien or in the "affiner Bereich"?

No, in principle the system does not allow half-credits! Only on ground of good reasons such an exemption can be granted. 

Does it need a crediting by you if I have done moduls from outside the Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften for the "affiner Bereich"?

No, please contact the Studienbüro for it.

What do I need to do when I want to receive or change the crediting of a course?

Please send us the filled in form for "Antrag auf Leistungsanrechnung" (see downloads below) as well as a copy of proof of performance from the course taken. Both documents are to be send to studienfachberatung-vaa@geschkult.fu-berlin.de. Please indicate in the title if it concerns BA or MA.

Will I automatically transfer (in)to the new Studien- und Prüfungsordnung?

No, such a transfer must be applied for via the Prüfungsbüro, but is optional.