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The Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology is a recognised institution in the LLP/ ERASMUS-Program, which means that students in the institute can study elsewhere in Europe for one or two semesters as part of their degree. In turn, students from partner universities have a chance to study at the FU Berlin.

If you have any questions about the ERASMUS exchange programme at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology, please contact ExchangeVordArch@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

You can find the ERASMUS page of the FU Berlin here: ERASMUS-FU-Berlin 

The Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology maintains exchange programmes with the following universities:

Ankara Üniversitesi

Cooperation with the Ankara University.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: http://www.ankara.edu/tr/ 

Bogazici University, Istanbul

Since winter semester 2010/2011, FU Berlin students can have exchange semester at the Bogazici University in Istanbul.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: http://www.boun.edu.tr

Durham University 

Cooperation with the Durham University.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz

Website: http://www.dur.ac.uk/

Ege Üniversitesi 

Cooperation with the Ege University.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: http://oidb.ege.edu.tr/

Universiteit Gent 

 Cooperation with the Universiteit Gent.

For furhter information please contact: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz / Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: www.ugent.be 

Koç Üniversitesi, Istanbul

 Cooperation with the Koç Üniversitesi. 

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: Koç University - International Admissions (ku.edu.tr)

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 

Cooperation with the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: www.pantheonsorbonne.fr 

Università di Pisa 

Cooperation with the Università di Pisa. 

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz

Website: www.unipi.it/index.php/english 

Universita Degli Studi Firenze 

Cooperation with the University of Florence.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz

Website: http://www.unifi.it/

Università degli Studi i Roma 'La Sapienza', Rom 

Cooperation with the Università degli Studi i Roma 'La Sapienza', Rom. 

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Elisa Roßberger

Website: www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina-strutturale/home 

Universidad Zaragoza 

Cooperation with the University of Zaragoza.

For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz

Website: http://www.unizar.es/


The ERASMUS programme offers enormous benefits to students: Firstly, there's no extra tuition fee at the partner universities. All relevant academic credits are recognised and transferred. Students can attend language courses free of charge. Accommodation and travel assistance will be provided. Students who are eligible for BAföG may also be eligible for an overseas grant.

More information on how to apply and the benefits of an Erasmus programme. The application deadline is usually 31 January for the coming winter semester and/or summer semester.

Further exchange opportunities

In addition to the ERASMUS programme, many other foundations offer opportunities to study abroad.  To apply to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), please visit their website or contact the relevant office at Freie Universität.

The FU Berlin also offers the PROMOS programme. This programme offers students and doctoral candidates the opportunity to receive financial support if their stay abroad does not fit into any of the structured programmes offered by the DAAD or Erasmus.

 The FU Berlin offers numerous opportunities to gain international experience. Students can use the FU Berlin database to search for various exchange opportunities. The database you find here (in German).