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ArchaeoChallenges Graduate Research School

ArchaeoChallenges Graduated Research School

ArchaeoChallenges Graduated Research School

Archaeology in the present: global challenges in the light of the past

The Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology participates in the ArchaeoChallenges Graduate Research School (EUR ArChal) together with seven partner institutions. The EUR ArChal is led by the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The EUR ArChal has three objectives:

  • to provide innovative training in state-of-the-art archaeological methods and techniques
  • to develop original teaching and research projects (master's theses, doctoral dissertations, scientific projects) on current topics in archaeology.
  • This dual approach aims to promote the professionalisation of students.

EUR ArChal offers numerous training, learning and research opportunities for Masters students. Further information on EUR ArChal can be found at https://eur-archal.pantheonsorbonne.fr/en.