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May 21, 2015 - May 22, 2015

Brazil in Dialogue

Current Studies at the Institute of Art History

Freie Universität Berlin

The seminar “Brazil in Dialogue” aims to share current research on Brazilian art with the public at Freie Universität’s Institute of Art History. Papers will be presented by young researchers who are part of, or connected with, the Institute’s research group “Transcultural Negotiations in the Ambits of Art” (especially the subgroup “World Art and the World of Art - Then and Now”). Papers, commentaries and moderations by internationally renowned experts will enrich the discussions and build awareness for the problems examined. The event addresses epistemological questions from a historical perspective, looking at three key areas: How has documentary material from Brazil and Europe been dealt with in the past, and what kind of fixations and stereotypes have been formed? Which current concepts of transculturality can be made fruitful for the research on Brazilian art? How does the increasing international importance of Brazilian art since the beginning of the 20th century relate to the academic research done on it? Also included in the seminar’s program is the screening and discussion of films made by, and informing about, Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica.

O seminário “Brasil em diálogo” tem como objetivo compartilhar com o público pesquisas ora em andamento no Instituto de História da Arte da Freie Universität Berlin. Serão apresentados trabalhos de jovens pesquisadores associados ao grupo de pesquisa do Instituto “Negociações transculturais nos campos da arte” (em especial, o subgrupo “Arte do mundo e mundo da arte – antes e agora”). Enriquecendo a discussão sobre o tema, renomados especialistas convidados também apresentarão suas pesquisas, realizarão comentários e conduzirão a mediação. O evento aborda questões epistemológicas a partir de uma perspectiva histórica focada em três pontos. Como o material documental do Brasil e da Europa vem sido tratado e quais fixações e estereótipos vêm se formando? Quais conceitos atuais de transculturalidade podem ser fecundos para a pesquisa da arte brasileira? Como que a crescente importância internacional da arte brasileira a partir do início do século XX relaciona-se com sua pesquisa acadêmica? O programa inclui ainda a exibição e discussão de filmes sobre e com o artista brasileiro Hélio Oiticica.

Conference language: English

Organized by DFG-Research Unit 1703 “Transcultural Negotiations in the Ambits of Art. Comparative Perspectives on Historical Contexts and Contemporary Constellations”


Thursday, 21.5.2015

14:00-15:00 Opening Moritz Wullen (Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) and Gregor Stemmrich (Berlin)

Keynote Roger Buergel (Zurich) – And How Does Knowledge Come Into Display? A Few

Lessons Drawn from Lina Bo Bardi`s Short-Lived Museum of Popular Art in Bahia

15:00-15:15 Coffee Break

15:15-16:45 Panel I Challenges of Transcultural Practice in Art History

Susanne Neubauer (Berlin) – Questioning the Point of View: Ludwig Grote and Brazil

Pauline Bachmann (Berlin) – Neoconcretismo: Translation of Form – Form of Translation.

Response: Susanne Klengel (Berlin)

16:45-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 Film screening “H.O.” by Ivan Cardoso (1979)

17:15 Film screening “Hélio Oiticica” by Cesar Oiticica Filho (2013)

18:45-19:30 Film Discussion with Andreas Valentin and guests

Response: Jens Andermann (Zurich)

Friday, 22.5.2015

11:00-12:30 Panel II Documentaries in Brazilian Art

Lena Schaeffler (Berlin) – Art by People Suffering from Mental Illness in Brazil – A Case Study

Miriam Minak (Berlin) – Breaking the Frame: Documents Travel from Schwitters to Oiticica

Response: Sabeth Buchmann (Vienna)

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:15 Short films screening by Andreas Valentin (Rio de Janeiro)

14:15-14:30 Coffee Break

14:30-16:45 Panel III Brazil in the International Discussion of Post-1945 Art: Contents, Questions and Exposure.

Irene Pfeffer (Berlin) – Mira Schendels Work in the Current Dialogue. Reception and Contextualization in Art History and Exhibition Practice

Sarah Poppel (Berlin) – In between Modernities: Internationalization and Abstract Art in Brazil 1930s-1940s.

Andreas Valentin – Light and Form: Brazilian and German Photography in the 1950s

Response: Michael Asbury (London)

16:45-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00-17:30 Filmscreening “Heliophonia” by Marcos Bonisson (2002)

www.netvibes.com/brazilindialogue // www. fu-berlin.de/for1703

Cooperation Partners

Freie Universität Berlin

DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Kunstbibliothek Staatliche

Time & Location

May 21, 2015 - May 22, 2015

Museum für Fotografie, Jebensstraße 2, 10623 Berlin

Zur Website des Kunsthistorischen Instituts
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft