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Dr. Sophia Brown (2021-2024)

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Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik

Fachrichtung Arabistik

Fellow Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

Displaced Texts: Arabic Literature in the Anglophone Literary Marketplace

Sophia Brown’s research investigates how Palestinian literature enters the Anglophone literary marketplace. Exploring the selection and presentation of literary texts, it scrutinises the significant role played by publishing houses in validating literary works, addressing issues of displacement, language, (neo)imperial legacies, Eurocentrism, and commercial imperatives.

Sophia Brown’s PhD, a study of exilic Palestinian life writing in English, was awarded in 2017 by the University of Kent, UK. In 2018, she was a visiting research fellow at the Kenyon Institute, East Jerusalem. She has published journal articles on Egyptian women’s blogs, the narration of life under occupation in East Jerusalem and the life writing of Ahdaf Soueif, and is currently preparing her first monograph, based on her PhD thesis. Her latest publication, ‘Snapshots of Solidarity: Anthologizing Palestinian Life Writing’, was published in 2021 in Post-Millennial Palestine: Memory, Narration, Resistance (Liverpool University Press).

Sophia Brown's Alexander von Humboldt research grant project on ‘Displaced Texts: Arabic Literature in the Anglophone Literary Marketplace’ is affiliated to the PalREAD ERC project by Prof. Dr. Refqa Abu-Remaileh and her team.

See here for details.