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Prospective Students

Before you begin

For studying Arabic Studies, the following traits and features are advantegeous:

  • Interest in literature
  • Delight in learning languages
  • Courage and curiosity to research independently and engage in new areas of interest


During your studies

What follows is a brief description of what Arabic Studies are about:

The focus area Arabic Studies is concerned with the language, literature, written records and culture of the Arabic-speaking world. In their linguistic orientation, Arabic Studies deal with the different stages and levels of Arabic (Classical Arabic, Middle Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic) and its dialects as well as the grammatical and lexicographical literature of classical Arab theorists. As a literary science, Arabic Studies investigate Arabic poetry and prose literature from the pre-Islamic period to the present, religious, philosophical, historical and geographical literature of Islamic culture as well as Jewish and Christian literature in Arabic.

Therefore, the focus of research and teaching is the Arabic language and literature as well as Arab culture. The main component of Arabic Studies is to learn spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic (MSA).

Focus areas of Arabic Studies

  • Classical Arabic literature in its social environment
  • History of the Arabic language
  • Arabic palaeography and book culture
  • Application of modern literary theory to classical and modern Arabic literature
  • Transfer of knowledge in Arabic literature
  • Arabic scholarship and intellectual history
  • Literature from al-Andalus
  • Folklore and traditions of the Arabic-speaking world
  • Contemporary and popular Arabic culture
  • Modern Arabic prose and poetry
  • Literature of the Arabic diaspora

Here are some examples of courses from the programme of Arabic Studies:

  • Geschichte der Araber
  • Orient – Orientalistik – Orientalismus
  • Die Erzählungen aus 1001 Nacht – Herkunft und Rezeption
  • Drei arabische Dichter des 20. Jahrhunderts – Qabbani, Adonis, Darwish
  • Moderne arabische Literatur und Übersetzungswissenschaft
  • Klassiker der arabischen Literatur: Klagende, Liebende, Reisende, ...
  • Gewalt, Trauma und Empathie in der irakischen Gegenwartsliteratur
  • Arabische Nationalgrammatik und Lexikographie
  • Die Küche des Kalifen. Essen und Trinken in der klassischen arabischen Literatur
  • Liebe in der klassischen arabischen Literatur
  • Arabische Handschriftenkunde und Editionswissenschaft
  • Helden, Räuber, Totenklagen – Die vorislamische Dichtung
  • Einführung in die klassischen arabischen Wörterbücher
  • Judeo-Arabisch – Einführung in Sprache und Literatur
  • Tod und Sterben als Themen der arabischen Literatur
  • The Qur’an and pre-Islamic poetry
  • Koran und Literaturtheorie
  • Kalila wa-Dimna
  • Naguib Mahfuz - Annäherung an einen ägyptischen Erzähler
  • Arabische Literatur irakisch-jüdischer Autoren
  • Gender und Tafsir – eine Annäherung
  • Arabische Alchemie
  • al-Dschahiz‘ Buch der Tiere
  • Folklore of the Arab World
  • Koran und Bibel
  • Arabische Medizin
  • Griechisches Wissen in arabischer Literatur
  • Arabische Philosophie
  • Aktuelle Dichtung aus Syrien – Strategien des Übersetzens
  • Sufismus
  • Liebe und Wahnsinn: Moderne Interpretationen des Majnûn-Laylâ-Stoffes
  • Arabische Geographie
  • Recitation and Orthography of the Qur’an
  • Altarabische Räuberdichtung
  • Jokes, Riddles and Cartoons: Humor in Arabic literature
  • Kunst und Film im Libanon
After your studies

The bachelor’s degree in Arabic Studies qualifies to study towards a master’s degree in the same or neighbouring fields respectively, such as Semitic Studies, Oriental Philology, Oriental Studies, Middle East Studies, Islamic Studies. The acquired knowledge and skills also qualify for occupations in both state institutions and non-governmental organisations dealing with the Arabic-speaking world and with Arabic-speaking people. The following professional fields may be considered: international organisations, non-governmental organisations, German branches of companies in the Middle East, public authorities, political counselling, media, publishing, museums, adult education and training, institutions and organisations caring for migrants and refugees, tourism.

Furthermore, the successful completion of the undergraduate programme will give you the qualification to work independently, work with better time management, and with other valuable characteristics gained through the programme.