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Prof. Dr. Henny Piezonka

Henny Piezonka

Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology


Fabeckstraße 23-25
14195 Berlin

Current position

Henny Piezonka is Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the FU Berlin. She is currently PI in the SFB 1266 "Dimensions of Transformation" in Kiel and head of various externally funded research projects, for example in Mongolia and India.

Scientist and researcher

Henny Piezonka studied pre- and early history, classical archaeology and art history in Berlin and Glasgow. Her Master's thesis on the research history of the Bronze and Iron Ages in the former Neumark was honoured with the Humboldt Prize of the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Rudolf Virchow Prize of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory. Her dissertation on the spread of pottery of Stone Age hunter-gatherers between the Urals and the Baltic states from 2010 was awarded the Dr Walther-Liebehenz Prize (Dr Walther-Liebehenz-Stiftung Göttingen).

Between 2004 and 2016, Henny Piezonka worked in various positions and research projects at the Universities of Bonn and Greifswald and the German Archaeological Institute. She conducted field research in various regions of Europe, North and Inner Asia, focussing on hunter-gatherer and pastoral-nomadic societies. In 2015, she began her own research project on the multi-phase site of Veksa in north-west Russia.

Between 2016 and 2023, she was Junior Professor of Anthropological Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology at Kiel University. As one of the applicants of the Kiel Cluster of Excellence "ROOTS - Connectivity of Society, Environment and Culture in Past Worlds", which has been running since 2019, and co-spokesperson of the sub-cluster "ROOTS of Social Inequality", she was involved in research on the dynamics of social inequalities and the connections between animal and plant domestication on the one hand and nutrition and disease on the other. She is one of the applicants of the CRC 1266 "Dimensions of Transformation - Human-Environment Interactions in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies", which started at Kiel University in 2020, and co-applicant of the CRC sub-project "Theories of Transformation in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies". As an associated researcher, she is involved in the European Research Council-funded project "INDUCE - The Innovation, Dispersal and Use of Ceramics in NE Europe", which is led by Carl Heron (British Museum). In the Gerda Henkel Foundation-funded project "Lost Cities. Perception of and Life with Abandoned Cities in the Cultures of the World", Henny Piezonka and her team investigated the role(s) and perception of abandoned urban places within Mongolian nomadic societies at the interface between archaeology and culture from 2019 to 2023.

Henny Piezonka's research focuses on hunter-gatherer and pastoral communities and early farming societies, with a regional focus on the Eurasian forest zone and the Arctic. In a broad time frame from the end of the Ice Age to the present, she analyses long-term socio-cultural and economic dynamics in connection with mobility and sedentary lifestyles in steppe, forest and tundra environments. A core topic of her research deals with concepts of Neolithisation. Her work combines archaeological fieldwork with ethnoarchaeological studies of hunter/fisher and pastoralist communities in order to gain a diversified and ontologically informed understanding of the lifeworld and material culture of these people.


Professional career

- since May 2023: Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology (W3) at the FU Berlin.

- 2016-2023: Junior Professor for Anthropological Archaeology / Ethnoarchaeology at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel

- 2015-2016: Research associate (post-doc) at the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, with a DFG-funded research project on cultural and environmental history in Northeastern Europe from the Neolithic to the Iron Age (Veksa, Russia)

- 2011-2014: Research associate (post-doc) at the University of Greifswald with research in various projects on Eurasian prehistory (Central and Eastern Europe, Siberia, Mongolia, Sicily)

- 2008-2011: Research associate (pre-doc/post-doc) at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in the BMBF-funded project "Geoarchaeology of the Steppe: On the Reconstruction of Cultural Landscapes in the Orkhon Valley, Central Mongolia"

- 2004-2008: Research assistant/doctoral student at the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin; research: Bronze and Iron Age in Siberia and MongoliaWissenschaftliche Ausbildung

- 2010: Dr phil., Freie Universität Berlin (summa cum laude), doctoral thesis: "Die nordosteuropäische Waldzone im Neolithikum. Studien zu den Gruppen mit früher Keramik nördlich und östlich der Ostsee"

- 2003: M.A., Humboldt University of Berlin (with honours), Master's thesis: "Die Erforschung der Bronze- und frühen Eisenzeit in der ehemaligen Neumark bis 1945 "

- 1995-2003: Prehistory and early history, classical archaeology and art history at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Glasgow



- 2012: Dr Walther Liebehenz Prize from the Dr Walther Liebehenz Foundation (Göttingen) for outstanding achievements in the field of prehistory and early history of the Baltic Sea region (for the doctoral thesis)

- 2004: Rudolf Virchow Award of the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory (for the Master's thesis)

- 2003: Humboldt Prize of the Humboldt University of Berlin (for the Master's thesis)



Commission activities

- 2023: Member of the German National Committee for Polar Research SCAR/IASC

- 2022: Scientific advisor of the German-Mongolian Society

- 2018: Scientific advisor of the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute

Scientific societies

- International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research (since 2018)

- German Archaeological Institute (Corresponding Member, since 2017)

- Society for East Asian Archaeology (since 2015)

- German-Mongolian Society (since 2015)

- Archaeological Society in Berlin and Brandenburg (since 2002)

Public relations

Press (selection)

- NDR: Interview and report on the Department of Anthropological Archaeology and Henny Piezonka's research, June 2019

- Neues Deutschland: Newspaper report on current research on the Mesolithic cemetery of Groß Fredenwalde (Henny Piezonka's teaching excavation), September 2019

- Yugra-TV, Russia: Report and interview of Kiel research group around Henny Piezonka with Russian cooperation partners on the topic of Stone Age research and ethnoarchaeology in Western Siberia, August 2019

Main research areas

- Neolithic cultural phenomena in a global perspective

- Neolithic and Early Metal Age in Central and Eastern Europe

- Hunter-gatherer-fishermen in high latitudes

- Pastoral nomads in arid and subarctic regions

- Mobility and sedentarisation

- Archaeology of Northeast Europe, Siberia and Inner Asia

- Ethnoarchaeology in post-Soviet Eurasia

- Stone Age graves as a cultural and social anthropological source

- Conflict and inequality in prehistoric societies

- Ceramic analysis

- Multivariate statistics

- Reconstruction of diet and subsistence economy using biomolecular methods

- Radiocarbon dating and reservoir effects

- Cooperation with natural and life sciences in prehistoric research

- Promotion of dialogue between Western and Eastern scientific cultures

a) Monographies

  • Piezonka, H. Jäger, Fischer, Töpfer. Wildbeuter mit früher Keramik in Nordosteuropa im 6. und 5. Jahrtausend v. Chr. Archäologie in Eurasien 30. Bonn 2015.
  • Piezonka, H., Die Bronze- und frühe Eisenzeit in der ehemaligen Neumark. Untersuchungen zu Forschungsentwicklung und Fundbild bis 1945. Universitatsforschungen zur Prahistorischen Archaologie 119. Bonn 2005.

b) Edited publications


  • Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift (EAZ), Band 57 (2023, online first), www.eaz-journal.org


  • Schneeweiß, J., Nawroth, M., Piezonka, H., Schwarzberg, H. (Hg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität. Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33. (Rahden/Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf 2024).
  • Piezonka, H., Käppel, L., Ricci, A. (Hrsg.), Roots of Routes – Mobility and Networks between Past and Future. ROOTS Booklet Series 2 (Leiden: Sidestone 2023). [open access download from publisher (English)]
  • Piezonka, H., Käppel, L., Ricci, A. (Hrsg.), Roots of Routes. Mobilität und Netzwerke zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. ROOTS Booklet Series 2 (Leiden: Sidestone 2023). [open access download von Verlag (Deutsch)]

c) Articles and book chapters

In press / submitted

  • Vesakoski, O., Salmela, E., Piezonka, H., Chapter 22. Uralic archaeolinguistics. In: Robbeets, M., Hudson, M. (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Archaeology and Language (Oxford 2024).
  • Wunderlich, M., Piezonka, H., Diesseits der Analogie – Kulturanthropologische Perspektiven in der Archäologie (This side of analogy: Cultural anthropological perspectives in archaeology). In: Renger, M., Rotermund, S., Schreiber, S., Veling, A. (Hg.), Theorie | Archäologie | Reflexion. Kontroversen und Ansätze im deutschsprachigen Diskurs. Philosophien, Theoriedenken in der Archäologie 1&2.


  • Piezonka, H., Angelbeck, B., Cunningham, J., Furholt, M., Schneeweiß, J., Wunderlich, M. und Müller-Scheeßel, N., Editorial: A Space for Difference. EAZ Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 57/1, 2024. DOI: 10.54799/RXJR3581.
  • Müller-Scheeßel, N., Keller, H., Mainusch, W. und Piezonka, H., Franz Boas in Kiel. EAZ Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 57/1, 2024. DOI: 10.54799/LGVQ8808
  • Piezonka, H., Between the Ural Mountains and Lena River: The Post-Glacial Stone Age in Northern Asia. In: Nikita, E., Rehren, T. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology, vol. 4 (London 2024 2nd ed.) 1–11. DOI 10.1016/B978-0-323-90799-6.00202-0
  • Terberger, Th., Kotula, A. and Piezonka, H., People, contacts and identities: the sixth-fifth millennium south of the western Baltic Sea. In: Daniel Groß, Mikael Rothstein (eds.), Changing identity in a changing world current studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE (Leiden 2023) 279 - 297. [open access direct download from publisher]
  • Schneeweiß, J., Nawroth, M., Piezonka, H., Schwarzberg, H., Zum Geleit. In: Schneeweiß, J., Nawroth, M., Piezonka, H., Schwarzberg, H. (Hg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität. Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33. (Rahden/Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf 2024) 11-14.
  • Piezonka, H., Salmela, E., Vesakoski, Ou., Kommunikationsräume und interkulturelle Netzwerke im bronzezeitlichen Sibierien: Ein neuer Blick auf Sejma-Turbino, den "Flowerpot Complex" und die Ausbreitung der uralischen Sprachen. In: Schneeweiß, J., Nawroth, M., Piezonka, H., Schwarzberg, H. (Hg.), Man sieht nur, was man weiß. Man weiß nur, was man sieht. Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität. Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Prähistorische Archäologie in Südosteuropa 33. (Rahden/Westfalen: Verlag Marie Leidorf 2024) 409-429.
  • Lübke, H., Rimkus, T., Meadows, J., Vashanau, A., Zagorska, A., Bērziņš, A., Butrimas, A., Charniauski, M., Daugnora, L., Piezonka, H., The chronology of T-shaped antler axe technology in northeastern Europe. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 2024. DOI:10.1515/pz-2023-2040
  • Meadows, J., Khramtsova, A., Piezonka, H., Krause-Kyora, B., da Silva, N., Kostyleva, E., Dobrovolskaya, M., Veselovskaya, E., Vasilyev, S., Dietary 14C reservoir effects and the chronology of prehistoric burials at Sakhtysh, central European Russia. Science Advances 10, No. 8, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adk2904
  • Ethier, J., Ressel, C., Ahrens, B., Chadraabal, E., Chuluun, S., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Verlassene Städte der Steppe – Zu Geschichte, Rollen und Wahrnehmung frühneuzeitlicher urbaner Orte in der Mongolei. In: Zimmermann, M. (Hg.), Lost Cities – Wahrnehmung von und Leben mit verlassenen Städten in den Kulturen der Welt. (Berlin: De Gruyter 2024) 155-182.


  • Piezonka, H., Chairkina, N., Dubovtseva, E., Kosinskaya, L., Meadows, J., Schreiber, T., The world’s oldest-known promontory fort: Amnya and the acceleration of hunter-gatherer diversity in Siberia 8000 years ago. Antiquity 97, No. 396, 2023, 1381-1401. DOI:10.15184/aqy.2023.164
  • Dubovtseva, E., Piezonka, H., Schreiber, T., New Data on the Chronology of Fortified Settlements of Hunters, Fishermen and Gatherers in the Taiga Zone of Western Siberia. Ural Historical Journal 3 (80), 2023, 119-130. DOI: 10.30759/1728-9718-2023-3(80)-119-130
  • Piezonka, H., A View from the Northern Forests: Container Technologies of Boreal Hunter-Gatherers. In: Nieuwenhuyse, O., Bernbeck, R., Berghuijs, K. (eds.), Containers of Change. Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia (Leiden: Sidestone 2023) 155-176.
  • Meadows, J., Khramtsova, A., Kostyleva, E., Vasilyev, S., Veselovskaya, E., Dobrovolskaya, M., da Silva, N., Krause-Kyora, B., Piezonka, H., Dietary 14C reservoir effects and the chronology of prehistoric burials at Sakhtysh, central European Russia. bioRxiv preprint September 5, 2023. doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.04.555011
  • Posth, C., Yu, H., Ghalichi, A., Rougier, H., Crevecoeur, I., Huang, Y., Ringbauer, H. Rohrlach, A., Nägele, K., Villalba-Mouco, V., Radzeviciute, R., Ferraz, T., Stoessel, A., Tukhbatova, R., Drucker, D., Lari, M., Modi, A., Vai, St., Saupe, T., Scheib, Chr., Catalano, G., Pagani, L., Talamo, S., Fewlass, H., Klaric, L., Morala, A., Rué, M., Madelaine, St., Crépin, L., Caverne, J,-P., Bocaege, E., Ricci, St., Boschin, Fr., Bayle, Pr., Maureille, Br., Le Brun-Ricalens, F., Bordes, J.-G., Oxilia, Gr., Bortolini, Eu., Bignon-Lau, O., Debout, Gr., Orliac, M., Zazzo, A., Sparacello, V., Starnini, E., Sineo, L., van der Plicht, J., Pecqueur, L., Merceron, G., Garcia, G., Leuvrey, J.-M., Bay Garcia, C., Gómez-Olivencia, A., Połtowicz-Bobak, M., Bobak, D., Le Luyer, M., Storm, P., Hoffmann, Cl., Kabaciński, J., Filimonova, T., Shnaider, Sv., Berezina, N., González-Rabanal, B., González Morales, M., Marín-Arroyo, A., López, B., Alonso-Llamazares, C., Ronchitelli, A., Polet, C., Jadin, I., Cauwe, N., Soler, J., Coromina, N., Rufí, I., Cottiaux, R., Clark, G., Straus, L., Julien, M.-A., Renhart, S., Talaa, D., Benazzi, St., Romandini, M., Amkreutz, L., Bocherens, H., Wißing, Chr., Villotte, S., Fernández-López de Pablo, J., Gómez-Puche, M., Esquembre-Bebia, M., Bodu, P., Smits, L., Souffi, B., Jankauskas, R. Kozakaitė, J., Cupillard, Chr., Benthien, H., Wehrberger, K., Schmitz, R., Feine, S., Schüler, T., Thevenet, C., Grigorescu, D., Lüth, Fr., Kotula, A., Piezonka, H., Schopper, Fr., Svoboda, J., Sázelová, S., Chizhevsky, A., Khokhlov, A., Conard, N., Valentin, Fr., Harvati, K., Semal, P., Jungklaus, B., Suvorov, A., Schulting, R., Moiseyev, V., Mannermaa, Kr., Buzhilova, A., Terberger, Th., Caramelli, D., Altena, E., Haak, W., Krause, J., Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers. Nature 615, 117–126 (2023). DOI:10.1038/s41586-023-05726-0
  • Dolbunova, E., McLaughlin, R., Lucquin, A., Bondetti, M., Courel, B., Oras, E., Piezonka, H., Robson, R., Talbot, H., Adamczak, K., Andreev, K., Asheichyk, V., Charniauski, M., Czekaj-Zastawny, A., Ezepenko, I., Grechkina, T., Gunnarsson, A., Gusentsova, T., Haskevych, D., Ivanischeva, M., Kabacinski, J., Karmanov, V., Kosorukova, N., Kostyleva, E., Kriiska, A., Kukawka, S., Lozovskaya, O., Manko, V., Mazurkevich, A., Nedomolkina, N., Piličiauskas, G., Sinitsyna, G., Skorobogatov, A., Smolyaninov, R., Surkov, A., Telizhenko, S., Tkachov, O., Tkachova, M., Tsybrij, A., Tsybrij, V., Vybornov, A., Wawrusiewicz, A., Yudin, A., Meadows, J., Heron, C., Craig, O., The transmission of pottery technology amongst prehistoric European hunter-gatherers. Nature Human Behavior 7, 171–183. DOI:10.1038/s41562-022-01491-8
  • Piezonka, H., Ethier, J., Ahrens, B., Chadraabal, E., Oczipka, M., Ressel, C., Sampildondov, C., Lost cities in the Steppe: Investigating an enigmatic site type in early modern Mongolia. Antiquity 97, No. 392, E12. DOI:10.15184/aqy.2023.8


  • Pal Chowdhury, M., Makarewicz, C., Piezonka, H., Buckley, M., A Novel Deep Eutectic Solvent-based Protein Extraction Method for Pottery Residues and Archaeological Implications. Journal of Proteome Research. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00340
  • Robson, H., Lucquin, A., Admiraal, M., Dolbunova, E., Adamczak, K., Gonzalez Carretero, L., Courel, B., Czekaj-Zastawny, A., Fitzhugh, W.W., Gramsch, B., Gumiński, W., Kabacinski, J., Kotula, A., Kukawka, S., Loze, I., Oras, E., Piezonka, H., Piličiauskas, G., Sørensen, S.A., Thielen, L., Wetzel, G., Meadows, J., Andersen, S.H., Hartz, S., Craig, O., Heron, C.P. Light Production by Ceramic Using Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers of the Circum-Baltic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1-28. DOI:10.1017/ppr.2022.12
  • Schreiber, T., Piezonka, H., N. Chairkina, E. Dubovtseva, L. Kosinskaya. Towards territoriality and inequality? Examining prehistoric hunter-gatherer fortifications in the Siberian taiga. In: Ibsen, T., Ilves, K., Maixner, B., Messal, S., Schneeweiß, J. (Hrsg.), Fortifications in their Natural and Cultural Landscape: From Organising Space to the Creation of Power. Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf, Ergänzungsreihe Bd. 15. Schleswig: 51-68.
  • Peterson, J., Taylor, N., Seržant, I.A., Piezonka, H., Hidayet Khan, A., Nübler, N., Connecting linguistics and archaeology in the study of identity: A first exploration. In: J. Müller (ed.), Connectivity matters! Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies. ROOTS Studies, vol. 2. (Leiden: Sidestone) 139–164.
  • Ethier, J., Ressel, C., Ahrens, B., Chadraabal, E., Chuluun, S., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Nodes of Connectivity: The Role of Religion in the Constitution of Urban Sites in Nomadic Inner Asia. In: J. Müller (ed.), Connectivity matters! Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies. ROOTS Studies, vol. 2. (Leiden: Sidestone) 35–70.
  • Piezonka, H., Neues aus Hyperborea: Die älteste Keramik des Nordens und ihre transeurasischen Beziehungen. In: Klimscha, F. et al. (Hrsg.), Die Erfindung der Götter: Steinzeit im Norden. Begleitband Ausstellung Hannover, 114–121.
  • Windle, M., Piezonka, H., Adaev, V. Seeing the forest for the trees: Investigating impacts of boreal ecology on reindeer husbandry and forager subsistence. In: Arctic Archaeology. Moscow: Nauka: 36–38.
  • Elliott, B., Damm, C., Nyland, A., Piezonka, H., Porr, M., Nilsson Stutz, L., Warren, G. Decolonizing the Mesolithic. Mesolithic Miscellany 29:2, 59-61.


  • Piezonka, H., Adaev, V., Kirleis, W., Poshekhonova, O., Rud’, A., The forest yields it all. A palaeo-ethnobotanical assessment of plant use by hunter-fisher-herders in the Siberian taiga. In: Berihuete, M., Piqué, R., Martín, M., López, O. (Hrsg.), The missing woodland resources. Advances in Archaeobotany. Groningen, Barkhuis Publishing: 153–183.
  • Piezonka, H., North of the Farmers. Mobility and sedentism among Stone Age hunter- gatherers from the Baltic to the Barents Sea. In: Orschiedt, J., Liebermann, C., Stäuble, H., Schier, W. (Hrsg.), Mesolithic or Neolithic? – Searching for the late hunter-gatherers. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 247–304.
  • Piezonka, H., The World’s Oldest Pots: On the Dispersal of the Ceramic Innovation among Eurasian hunter-gatherers since the Late Glacial period. In: Hansen, S., Klimscha, F., Renn, J. (Hrsg.), Contextualizing Technical Innovations in Prehistory. Topoi. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 73: 259-283.
  • Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., Elberfeld, V., Heußner, K.-U., Kirleis, W., Lorenz, S., Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Pile dwellers in the Sukhona basin? Wooden structures of the 4th and 3rd millennium cal BC at Veksa, Northern Russia. In: Dolbunova, E., Pranckenaite, E., Mazurkevich, A., Hafner, A. (Hrsg.), Settling waterscapes in Europe: The archaeology of Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwellings. Open Themes in Contemporary Archaeology 1. Heidelberg, Propylaeum: 59–94.
  • Terberger, T., Kotula, A., Jungklaus, B., Piezonka, H., The Mesolithic „multiple burial“ of Groß Fredenwalde revisited. In: Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S., Jöris, O. (Hrsg.), The Beef behind all Possible Pasts. The Tandem-Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street. Monographien des RGZM 157 (Mainz) 671–688.
  • Chairkina, N.M., Piezonka, H., The Ecological Background of Early Neolithic Innovations in the North of Western Siberia. Ural Historical Journal 3(72): 6–12.


  • Kotula, A., Piezonka, H., Terberger, T., The Mesolithic cemetery of Groß Fredenwalde (NE Germany) and its cultural affiliations. Festschrift Rimute Rimantene. Lietuvos Archeologija: 57–76.
  • Kirleis, W., Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., Lorenz, S., Elberfeld, V., Schneeweiß, J., The Development of Plant Use and Cultivation in the Sukhona Basin, Northwest Russian Taiga Zone. In: Vanhanen, S., Grabowski, R., Hambro-Mikkelsen, P. (Hrsg.), Development of plant cultivation in the Nordic countries from the Prehistoric to the Early Historic Period. Advances in Archaeobotany. Groningen, Barkhuis Publishing: 101–117.
  • Piezonka, H., Poshekhonova, O., Adaev, V., Rud’, A. Migration and its effects on life ways and subsistence strategies of boreal hunter-fishers: Ethnoarchaeological research among the Selkup, Siberia. Quaternary International 541: 189–203.
  • Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., Benecke, N., Hochmuth, M., Klooß, S., Lorenz, S., Schmölcke, U., Stone Age fishing strategies in a dynamic river landscape: Evidence from Veksa 3, Northwest Russia. Quaternary International 541: 23–40.
  • Piezonka, H., Kosinskaya, L., Dubovtseva, E., Chemyakin, Yu., Enshin, D., Hartz, S., Kovaleva, V., Panina, S., Savchenko, S., Skochina, S., Terberger, T., Zakh, V., Zhilin, M., Zykov, A. P., The emergence of early pottery in the Urals and Western Siberia – New dating and stable isotope evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science 116: 105100. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105100
  • Courel, B., Robson, H.K., Lucquin, A., Dolbunova, E., Oras, E., Adamczak, K., Andersen, S.H., Astrup, P.M., Charniauski, M., Czekaj-Zastawny, A., Ezepenko, I., Hartz, S., Kabaciński, J., Kotula, A., Kukawka, S., Loze, I., Mazurkevich, A., Piezonka, H., Piličiauskas, G., Sørensen, S.A., Talbot, H.M., Tkachou, A., Tkachova, M., Wawrusiewicz, A., Meadows, J., Heron, C.P., Craig, O.E., Organic residue analysis shows sub-regional patterns in the use of pottery by Northern European hunter-gatherers. Royal Society Open Science 7: 192016. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.192016
  • Piezonka, H., The world’s oldest pots: On the dispersal of the ceramic innovation among Eurasian hunter-gatherers since the Late Glacial periods. History and Modern Perspectives 2: 66–78.
  • Ressel, C., Ahrens, B., Čadrabaal, E., Čuluun, S., Ethier, J., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Auf den Spuren verlassener Städte: Urbane Strukturen aus der Zeit mandschurischer Herrschaft und deren Weiterwirken in der heutigen Mongolei. Ein Vorbericht. Mongolische Notizen 27: 56–73.
  • Dubovtseva, E.N., Kosinskaya, L.L., Piezonka, H., Chairkina, N.M., Settlements of the Amnya cultural type in the context of the Early Neolithic of North-Western Siberia. Novosibirsk State University Bulletin, History & Philology Series 18 (5): Archaeology and Ethnography: 94-108.
  • Kardash O. V., Chairkina N. M., Dubovtseva E. N., Piezonka H., Novye issledovanija ranneneoliticheskogo gorodishcha Kayukovo 2 na severe Zapadnoj Sibiri (New investigations of the Early Neolithic enclosed settlement Kayukovo 2 in the North of Western Siberia). Novosibirsk State University Bulletin, History & Philology Series 18 (5): Archaeology and Ethnography: 109-124.


  • Groß, D., Piezonka, H., Corradini, E., Schmölcke, U., Dreibrodt, S., Krüger, S., Lübke, H., Adaptations and transformations of hunter-gatherers in forest environments: New archaeological and anthropological insights. The Holocene 29(10): 1531–1544.
  • Piezonka, H., Migration and Transformation in Mobile Communities of the Forest Zone of Western Siberia. Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives. In: Molodin, V.I., Mylnikova, L.N., Hansen, S. (eds), Mobility and Migration: Concepts, Methods, Results. Novosibirsk, IAET SB RAS Publishing: 267–286.
  • Dubovtseva, E.N., Kosinskaya, L.L., Piezonka, H., Analiz veshchego kompleksa i novye rediouglerodnye datirovki ranneneoliticheskogo gorodishcha Amnya I (Analysis of the material culture and new radiocarbon dating of the Early Neolithic fortified site of Amnya I). Samara Scientific Bulletin 8(2): 149–159. (in Russian, with English summary)
  • Chuluun, S., Chadrabaal, E., Piezonka, H., Oczipka, M., Ethier, J., Tal nutgiin nüüdelchdiin orkhigdson khotuud” tösliin 2019 ony kheeriin sudalgaany ajlyn tovch düngees (Archaeological excavation results of the year 2019 of the Mongolian-German cooperation project „Lost Cities in the Steppe“). Mongolyn Arkheologi 2019: 127–130. (in Mongolian)


  • Terberger, T., Burger, J., Lüth, F., Müller, J., Piezonka, H., Step by step - The Neolithisation of Northern Central Europe in the light of stable isotope analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science 99: 66–86.
  • Lucquin, A., Courel, B., Dolbunova, E., Piezonka, H., Meadows, J., Craig, OE., Heron, C., What is for dinner tonight? Research on the innovation, dispersal and use of hunter-gatherer pottery in NE Europe (INDUCE). In: Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, AA., Dolbunova, EV. (eds.) Subsistence strategies in the Stone Age, direct and indirect evidence of fishing and gathering. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovich Lozovski, 15-18 May 2018, Saint-Petersburg. St. Petersburg 2018: 208-209.
  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Fishing in the Neolithic-Eneolithic periods on the Upper Sukhona (based on the materials of the settlement Veksa 3). In: Lozovskaya. O,, Vybornov, AA., Dolbunova, EV. (eds.) Subsistence strategies in the Stone Age, direct and indirect evidence of fishing and gathering. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovich Lozovski, 15-18 May 2018, Saint-Petersburg. St. Petersburg 2018: 132-134.
  • Poshekhonova, OE., Piezonka, H., Adaev, VN. (2018) Ethnoarchaeological investigations on the interrelation of mobility, economy and settlement structure at the Northern Sel’kup, Taz region, Western Siberia. In: Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, AA., Dolbunova, EV. (eds.) Subsistence strategies in the Stone Age, direct and indirect evidence of fishing and gathering. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovich Lozovski, 15-18 May 2018, Saint-Petersburg. St. Petersburg 2018: 107-109.


  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Results on absolute and relative chronology based on materials from the multi-layered settlement site of Veksa 3. Самарскийнаучныйвестник, том 6 №3 (20), 2017, 151-154.
  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Results on absolute and relative chronology based on materials from the multi-layered settlement site of Veksa 3. In: Д. В. Герасимов, А. А. Выборнов, А. Н. Мазуркевич, Е. В. Долбунова, Е. С. Ткач (ред.) Культурные процессы в циркумбалтийском пространстве в раннем и среднем голоцене. Доклады международной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения В.И. Тимофеева. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 26–28 апреля 2017 г.  Санкт-Петербург 2017: 119-124.
  • Piezonka, H.,  Die frühe Keramik Eurasiens: Aktuelle Forschungsfragen und methodische Ansätze. In: Molodin, V., Hansen, S., Multidisciplinary approach to archaeology: Recent achievements and prospects. Proceedings of the International Symposium “Multidisciplinary approach to archaeology: Recent achievements and prospects”, June 22-26, 2015, Novosibirsk). Novosibirsk 2017: 249-265.
  • Piezonka, H., Mesolithic — Sub-Neolithic — Neolithic: The problem of defining neolithization between East and West. In: Герасимов, Д., Выборнов, А., Мазуркевич, А., Долбунова, Е., Ткач, Е. (ред.) Культурные процессы в циркумбалтийском пространстве в раннем и среднем голоцене. Доклады международной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения В.И. Тимофеева. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 26–28 апреля 2017 г.  Санкт-Петербург 2017: 97-103.
  • Piezonka, H., Narva Pottery in the Eastern Baltic. In: Д. В. Герасимов, А. А. Выборнов, А. Н. Мазуркевич, Е. В. Долбунова, Е. С. Ткач (ред.) Культурные процессы в циркумбалтийском пространстве в раннем и среднем голоцене. Доклады международной научной конференции, посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения В.И. Тимофеева. Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 26–28 апреля 2017 г.  Санкт-Петербург 2017: 258-263.
  • Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., Ivanishcheva, M., Kosorukova, N., Kul’kova, M., Meadows, J., TheEarlyandMiddleNeolithicinNWRussia: RadiocarbonchronologiesfromtheSukhonaandOnegaregions. DocumentaPraehistoricaXLIV, 2017, 122-151.
  • Poshekhonova, О., Berlina, S., Piezonka, H., Kirleis, W., Lorenz, S., Marchenko, Zh., Rud, A., Upper Taz Selkups. Archaeological and ethno-archaeological research perspectives. In: A. L. Titovskij, G. P. Tumanova, N. V. Fedorova, A. V. Gusev, D. S. Tupakhin (eds), I International conference “Arctic Archaeology”, Abstracts. November 19-22, 2017, Salekhard. Ekaterinburg 2017: 159-161.


  • Piezonka, H., Meadows, J., Hartz, S., Kostyleva, E., Nedomolkina, N., Ivanishcheva, M., Kozorukova, N., Terberger, T., Stone Age pottery chronology in the northeast European forest zone: New AMS and EA-IRMS results on foodcrusts. Radiocarbon 58(2), 2016, 267-289
  • Jordan, P., Gibbs, K., Hommel, P., Piezonka, H., Silva, F., Steele, J., Modelling the Diffusion of Pottery Technologies across Afro-Eurasia: Emerging Insights and Future Research Questions. Antiquity 90, 2016, 590-603.
  • Kosorukova, N., Kulkova, M., Piezonka, H., Nesterova, L., Sementsov, A., Lebedeva, L., Hartz, S., Terberger, T., Radiocarbon dating of Neolithic sites at Karavaikha in the Vozhe lake basin. In: Zajtseva, V., Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, A., Mazurkevich, A. (eds), Radiouglerodnaya khronologiya epokhi neolita Vostochnoi Evropy VII-III tysjacheletiya do n. e. Smolensk: Svitok: 410-424.
  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Radiocarbon chronology of the Upper Sukhona Region in Early and Middle Neolithic (sites Veksa I and Veksa III). In: Zajtseva, G., Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, A., Mazurkevich, A. (eds), Radiouglerodnaya khronologiya epokhi neolita Vostochnoi Evropy VII-III tysjacheletiya do n. e. Smolensk 2016: 425-433.
  • Tumen, D., Tsydenova, N., Erdene, M., Piezonka, H., Lorenz, S., Khenzykhenova, D., Namzalova, O., The Stone Age burial of Norovlyn uul, Eastern Mongolia: New evidence on anthropology, subsistence and environmental setting. In: Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference “Ancient Cultures of Mongolia, Baikal Siberia and Northern China”, Krasnoyarsk, October 3-7, 2017, 159-164.


  • Piezonka, H., Multivariate analysis of early ceramics in north-eastern Europe: Understanding chronology, stylistic similarities and cultural transmission. In: Lozovski, V., Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, A. (eds), Neolithic Cultures of Eastern Europe: Chronology, Paleoecology and Cultural Traditions. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victor Petrovich Tretyakov, May, 12-16, 2015, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg 2015: 269-276.
  • Piezonka, H., Older than the farmers’ pots? Hunter-gatherer ceramics east of the Baltic Sea In: Kabacinski, J., Hartz, S., Raemaekers, D., Terberger, T. (eds), The Dąbki site in Pomerania and the Neolithisation of the North European Lowlands (c. 5000-3000 calBC). Archäologie und Geschichte im Ostseeraum 8. Rahden/Westf. 2015: 307-320.
  • Kotula, A., Piezonka, H., Terberger, T., New pottery dates on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the North-Central European Lowlands. In: Kabacinski, J., Hartz, S., Raemaekers, D., Terberger, T. (eds), The Dąbki site in Pomerania and the Neolithisation of the North European Lowlands (c. 5000-3000 calBC). Archäologie und Geschichte im Ostseeraum 8. Rahden/Westf.: 489-509.
  • Ahrens, B.,Nomguunsüren, G., Piezonka, H. (with contributions by Becker, H., Klee, R., Machicek, M., Frohlich, B., Amgalantugs, Ts.), Das mittelalterliche Höhlengrab von Cagaan Chad – Eine Kriegerbestattung am nördlichen Rand der Wüste Gobi. Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters 43, 2015, 59-126.
  • Tsydenova, N., Tumen, D., Erdene, M., Piezonka, H., Khenzykhenova, F., Lorenz, S., Zech, W., Andreeva, D., Bazarova, B., Namzalova, O., The new Holocene site of Togootyn Gol-V in Eastern Mongolia. In: Ta La (ed.), Ancient Cultures of the Northern Area of China, Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia, Band 1. Hohhot 2015: 88-105.
  • Tsydenova, N., Piezonka, H., The transition from the Late Paleolithic to the Initial Neolithic in the Baikal region: technological aspects of the stone industries. Quaternary International 355, 2015: 101-113.
  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Meadows, J., Craig, O., Lorenz, S., Neolithic complexes of the Veksa sites in the Upper Sukhona basin, north-western Russia: New natural-scientific research. In: Lozovski, V., Lozovskaya, O., Vybornov, A. (eds), Neolithic Cultures of Eastern Europe: Chronology, Paleoecology and Cultural Traditions. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victor Petrovich Tretyakov, May, 12-16, 2015, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg 2015: 151-158.
  • Ahrens, B., Piezonka, H., Nomguunsuren, G., Buried with his Bow and Arrows: The exceptional cave burial of a 14th century warrior at Tsagaan Khad mountain, Mongolia. In: Ta La (Hrsg.), Ancient Cultures of the Northern Area of China, Mongolia and Baikalian Siberia, Band 2. Hohhot 2015: 683-692.
  • Недомолкина, Н., Пиецонка, Х., Лоренц, С., Шмёлке, У., Новые археологические, остеологические и геоморфологические исследования на комплексе многослойных поселений Вёкса в бассейне Верхней Сухоны. Тверской Археологический Сборник 10(1), 2015, 74-84.


  • Bemmann, J., Lehndorff, E., Klinger, R., Linzen, S., Munkhbayar, L., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Reichert, S., Biomarkers in archaeology – Land use around the Uyghur capital Karabalgasun, Orkhon Valley, Mongolia. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 89(2), 2014, 337-370.
  • Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., The pile construction at the Veksa III settlement site by the River Vologda: structure and dating. In: Mazurkevich, A., Polkovnikova, M., Dolbunova, E. (eds), Archaeology of Lake Settlements IV-II mill. BC: Chronology of Cultures, Environment and Palaeoclimatic Rhythms. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the semi-centennial anniversary of the researches of lake dwellings in north-western Russia, St. Petersburg, 13-15 November 2014. St. Petersburg 2014: 304-308.
  • Kosorukova, N., Piezonka, H., New finds of the Neolithic time in Karavaikha region in the basin of Vozhe lake. In: Mazurkevich, A., Polkovnikova, M., Dolbunova, E. (eds), Archaeology of Lake Settlements IV-II mill. BC: Chronology of Cultures, Environment and Palaeoclimatic Rhythms. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the semi-centennial anniversary of the researches of lake dwellings in north-western Russia, St. Petersburg, 13-15 November 2014. St. Petersburg 2014: 169-174.
  • Лоренц, С., Недомолкина, Н., Пиецонка, Х., Геоморфологический анализ палеоландшафта в бассейне Верхней Сухоны. На примере поселения Вёкса 3. In: Лозовский, В., Лозовская, О. (Hrsg.), Природная среда и модели адаптации озерных поселений в мезолите и неолите лесной зоны Восточной Европы. Материалы Международной научной конференции, Санкт Петербург, 19-21 мая 2014 г. Санкт Петербург, 2014: 11-14.


  • Piezonka, H., Kostyleva, E., Zhilin, M., Dobrovolskaya, M., Terberger, Th., Flesh or Fish? First results of archaeometric research on prehistoric burials from Sakhtysh IIa, Upper Volga region, Russia. Documenta Praehistorica 40, 2013: 57-73.
  • Hartz, S., Piezonka, H., North Eurasian hunter-gatherer ceramics as an archaeological source: reply to Kuzmin (2013). Radiocarbon 55 (1), 2013: 205-209.
  • Tusa, S., di Maida, G., Pastoors, A., Piezonka, H., Weniger, G.-C., Terberger, Th., The Grotta di Cala dei Genovesi – new studies on the Ice Age cave art on Sicily. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 88(1-2), 2013: 1-22.


  • Piezonka, H., Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer Ceramics of North-Eastern Europe: New Insights into the Dispersal of an Essential Innovation. Documenta Praehistorica 39, 2012: p. 23-51.
  • Hartz, S., Kostyleva, E., Piezonka, H., Terberger, Th., Tsydenova, N., Zhilin, M., Hunter-Gatherer Pottery and Charred Residue Dating: New Results on the Spreading of First Ceramics in the North Eurasian Forest Zone. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium “Radiocarbon & Archaeology”, Pafos, Cyprus, April 10-15, 2011. Radiocarbon 54 (3-4), 2012: 1033-1048.
  • Lorenz, S., Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Piles and bones in loamy river banks – Geoarchaeological research on the genesis of the outstanding multiperiod dwelling site of Veksa in the Sukhona Basin. In: Geomorphic Processes and Geoarchaeology: From Landscape Archaeology to Archaeotourism. International Conference. August 20-24, 2012, Moscow-Smolensk, Russia. Extended Abstracts compiled by M. Bronnikova and A. Panin. Moscow, Smolensk, 2012: 164-168.
  • Lorenz, S., Nedomolkina, N., Piezonka, H., Geoarchaeology and floodplain development at the outstanding multiperiod dwelling site of Veksa in the Sukhona basin. In: Жиров, А., Кузнецов, В., Субетто, Д., Тиде, Й. (Hrsg.), Геоморфология и Палеогеография Полярных Регионов: Материалы совместной международной конференции «Геоморфология и Палеогеография Полярных Регионов», симпозиума «Леопольдина» и совещания рабочей группы INQUAPeribaltic. Санкт-Петербург, СПбГУ, 9 – 17 сентября 2012 года. Санкт-Петербург, 2012: 467-468.
  • Grützner, C., Bemmann, J., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Klinger, R., Klitzsch, N., Linzen, S., Mackens, S., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Reichert, S., Schneider, M., Schütt, B., Improving archaeological site analysis: a rampart in the middle Orkhon Valley investigated with combined geoscience techniques. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 9, 2012: 70-80.
  • Nomguunsüren, G., Ahrens, B., Piezonka, H., Das Höhlengrab von Cagaan Chad, Bogd sum, Öwörchangaj aimag. In: Bemmann, J. (Hrsg.), Steppenkrieger – Reiternomaden des 7. bis 14. Jahrhunderts aus der Mongolei. Darmstadt 2012: 325-349.
  • Nomguunsüren, G., Ahrens, B., Piezonka, H., Das Höhlengrab aus Chadan Chavcal, Bogd sum, Öwörchangaj aimag. In: Bemmann, J. (Hrsg.), Steppenkrieger – Reiternomaden des 7. bis 14. Jahrhunderts aus der Mongolei. Darmstadt 2012: 350-351.


  • Piezonka, H., Wildbeuterkeramik zwischen Weißrussland und Weißem Meer. Neue Forschungen zur Ausbreitung früher Tonware in das Gebiet östlich und nördlich der Ostsee. Eurasia Antiqua 17, 2011: 121-156.
  • Piezonka, H., The Earliest Pottery East of the Baltic Sea. Proceedings of the International Workshop „Early Pottery in the Baltic“ in Schleswig, 20th – 21st October 2006. Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 2008 (2011): 301-346.
  • Пиецонка, Х., Ранняя керамика к востоку от Балтийского моря: новые АМС радио-углеродные даты. Тверской Археологический Сборник 8, 2011: 159-174.
  • Bemmann, J., Ahrens, B., Grützner, C., Klinger, R., Klitzsch, N., Lehmann, F., Linzen, S., Munkhbayar, L., Nomguunsuren, G., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Schütt, B., Solongo, S., Geoarchaeology in the Steppe: First results of the multidisciplinary Mongolian-German survey project in the Orkhon valley, Central Mongolia. Археологийн Судлал 30, Fasc. 5, 2011: 69-97.


  • Пиецонка, Х., Недомолкика, Н., Многовариантный анализ и распространение неолитической посуды в лесной зоне: на примере памятника Векса 3, северо-запад России. In: III. Северный Археологический Конгресс: Тезисы докладов. Екатеринбург, Ханты-Мансийск 2010: 117-119.
  • Харц, С., Савченко, С., Пиецонка, Х., Тербергер, Тh., Жилин, М., От уральских гор до Балтийского Моря – новый взгляд на развитие каменного века. In: III. Северный Археологический Конгресс: Тезисы докладов. Екатеринбург, Ханты-Мансийск, 2010: 57-58.


  • Piezonka, H., Rothert, Liebetraut. In: H. Kümper (ed.), Historikerinnen. Eine biobibliographische Spurensuche im deutschen Sprachraum. Schriften des Archivs der deutschen Frauenbewegung 14. Kassel 2009: 183-187.
  • Oczipka, M., Bemmann, J., Munkhbayar, L., Ahrens, B., Achtelik, M., Lehmann, F., Piezonka, H., Small drones for geo-archaeology in the steppe: locating and documenting the archaeological heritage of the Orkhon Valley in Mongolia. In: Michel, U., Civco, D. (eds), Proceedings of SPIE, Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology IX. Proc. SPIE Vol. 7478. Washington, 2009: 747806-1-11.


  • Piezonka, H., Neue AMS-Daten zur frühneolithischen Keramikentwicklung in der nordosteuropäischen Waldzone. Estonian Journal of Archaeology 12/2, 2008: 67-113.
  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Марченко, Ж., Орлова, Л., Пиецонка, Х., Кузьмин, Я., Гришин, А., Первые радиоуглеродные даты погребений эпохи бронзы могильника Тартас-1 (попытка осмысления). In: Деревянко, А., Макаров, Н. (eds), Труды II (XVIII) Всероссийского Археологического Съезда в Суздале 2008 г., Том I. Москва, 2008: 325-328.
  • Molodin, V., Parzinger, H., Ceveendorž, D., Garkuša, J., Grišin, A., Myl’nikov, V., Nagler, A., Piezonka, H., Sljusarenko, I., Das skythenzeitliche Kriegergrab aus Olon-Kurin-Gol. Neue Entdeckungen in der Permafrostzone des mongolischen Altai. Vorbericht. Eurasia Antiqua 14, 2008: 235-259.
  • Ahrens, B., Bemmann, J., Klinger, R., Lehmann, F., Munkhbayar, L., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Schütt, B., Geoarchaeology in the Steppe – A new multidisciplinary project investigating the interaction of man and environment in the Orkhon valley. Археологийн Судлал (6) 26 Fasc. 16, 2008: 311-327.


  • Piezonka, H., Burnt bone analysis. In: Danaher, E., Monumental Beginnings. The archaeology of the N4 Sligo Inner Relief Road (Dublin 2007), CD-ROM „Final excavation and specialist reports“.
  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Цэвээндорж, Д., Мыльников, В., Наглер, А., Баярсайхан, М., Байтилеу, Д., Гришин, А., Дураков, И., Марченко, Ж., Мороз, М., Овчаренко, А., Пиецонка,Х., Пилипенко, А., Слагода, Е., Слюсаренко, И., Субботина, А., Чистякова, А., Шатов, А., Mультидисциплинарные исследования российско-германско-монгольской экспедиции в Монгольском Алтае. Археологийн Судлал (4) 24, 2007: 160-166.
  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Гришин, А., Новикова, О., Пиецонка, Х., Соловьев, А., Гаркуша, Ю., Марченко, Ж., Казакова, Е., Некоторые результаты полевых иссле-дований памятника Тартас-1 в 2007 году. Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий 13, 2007: 412-417.


  • Piezonka, H., Liebetraut Rothert und die brandenburgische Bodendenkmalpflege 1938-1945. Ethnographisch-Archäoälogische Zeitschrift 47, 2006: p. 117-126.
  • Пиецонка, Х., Лесная зона Северо-Восточной части Европы в эпоху неолита: аспекты хронологии и культурного развития. In: II. Северный Археологический Конгресс: Тезисы докладов. Екатеринбург, Ханты-Мансийск 2006: 61-62.
  • Wetzel, G., Piezonka, H., Liebetraut Rothert. Ein Beitrag zur brandenburgischen Bodendenkmalpflege. Veröffentlichungen zur Brandenburgischen Landesarchäologie 38, 2004 (2006): 259-270.
  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Цэвээндорж, Д., Мыльников, В., Наглер, А., Баярсайхан, М., Байтилеу, Д., Гаркуша, Ю., Гришин, А., Дураков, И., Марченко, Ж., Мороз, М., Овчаренко,А., Пиецонка, Х., Пилипенко, А., Слагода, Е., Слюсаренко, И., Субботина, А., Чистякова, А., Шатов, А. , Mультидисциплинарные исследования российско-германско-монгольской экспедиции в Монгольском Алтае. Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий 12, 2006: 428-433.


  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Гришин, А., Марченко, Ж., Новикова, О., Гаркуша, Ю., Мыльникова, Л., Пиецонка, Х., Рыбина, Е., Чемякина, М., Шатов, А., Полевые исследования на могильнике Тартас-1 в 2005 году (Барабинская лесостепь). Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий 11, 2005: 412-417.


  • Piezonka, H., Die Bronze- und frühe Eisenzeit in der ehemaligen Neumark. Anmerkungen zum Fundbild bis 1945. In: Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Archeologów Polskich, Oddział Lubuski (Hrsg.), Oder – Hindernis oder Brücke für die Kulturexpansion? II. Deutsch-Polnisches Archäologentreffen in Dychów, 29. April – 1. Mai 2004. Zielona Góra 2004: 141-152.
  • Piezonka, H., Die bronze- und früheisenzeitlichen Fundstellen in der ehemaligen Neumark bis 1945: Anmerkungen zu Forschungsgeschichte, Materialbasis und Quellenkritik. Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 25, 2004; p. 77-88
  • Молодин, В., Парцингер, Г., Гришин, А., Новикова, О., Пиецонка, Х., Чемякина, М., Марченко, Ж., Гаркуша, Ю., Шатов, А., Исследование могильника бронзового века Тартас-1. Проблемы архео-логии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий 10, 2004: 358-364


d) Book reviews


  • Piezonka, H., Rezension: Jordan, P. , Zvelebil, M. (eds), Ceramics Before Farming. The Dispersal of Pottery Among Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers. Walnut Creek, California, 2009. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 87, 2012: 210-215.


  • Piezonka, H., Rezension: Klassen, L., Jade und Kupfer. Untersuchungen zum Neolithisierungsprozess im westlichen Ostseeraum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kulturentwicklung Europas 5500-3500 BC Århus, 2004. Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 46, 2005: 311-318.


e) Popular scientific publications

In press

  • Piezonka, H., Pathways between the Worlds – The Sacred Ecology of River Routes. In: Piezonka, H., Käppel, L., Ricci, A. (Hrsg.) (in press) Roots of Routes – Mobility and Networks between Past and Future. ROOTS Booklet Series 2 (Leiden: Sidestone).
  • Piezonka, H., Varkuleviciute, K., Entangled Mobilities: The Interconnection of Human Routes and Animal Movement. In: Piezonka, H., Käppel, L., Ricci, A. (Hrsg.) (in press) Roots of Routes – Mobility and Networks between Past and Future. ROOTS Booklet Series 2 (Leiden: Sidestone).
  • Schneeweiß, J., Piezonka, H., Connection Breakdown – Three Vikings Abroad. In: Piezonka, H., Käppel, L., Ricci, A. (Hrsg.) (in press) Roots of Routes – Mobility and Networks between Past and Future. ROOTS Booklet Series 2 (Leiden: Sidestone).


  • Schreiber, T., Chairkina, N., Dubovceva, E., Kosinskaja, L., Piezonka, H. Steinzeitfestungen in der sibirischen Taiga. Archäologie in Deutschland 6/2022: 14–19.


  • Piezonka, H., Adaev, V., Kenig, A., Pošechonova, O., Rud‘, A., Lernen von den Jägern und Rentierhirten Sibiriens: Ethnoarchäologische Forschungen in der Taiga. Archäologie in Deutschland 3/2021: 14–19.


  • Piezonka, H., Epidemics, Mobility and Permafrost: Lessons from Siberia. In: Käppel, L., Makarewicz, C., Müller, J. (Hrsg.), Distant Times so Close: Pandemics and Crises Reloaded. ROOTS Booklet Series 1. Leiden, Sidestone: 9-13.
  • Piezonka, H., Kotula, A., Lorenz, S., Schenk, T., Schopper, F., Terberger, Th., Wieckowska-Lüth, M., Das älteste Gräberfeld Deutschlands bei Groß Fredenwalde. Vom Zusammentreffen später Jäger-Sammler und früher Bauern. In: Horizonte. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 26: 318–319.
  • Piezonka, H., Pošechonova, O., Adaev, V., Nomaden der Taiga. Ethnoarchäologie bei mobilen Jäger-Fischern und Rentierhirten in Sibirien. In: Horizonte. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 26: 270–271.
  • Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., 8000 Jahre Siedeln am Fluss. Jäger und Fischer am Rande Europas. In: Horizonte. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 26: 234–235.
  • Piezonka, H., Ahrens, B., Čuluun, S., Oczipka, M., Verlassene Städte der Steppe. Rollen und Wahrnehmung frühneuzeitlicher Siedlungszentren in der nomadischen Mongolei. In: Horizonte. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Schleswig-Holstein 26: 268–269.


  • Piezonka, H., Aikaterini Glykou, John Meadows, Bente Philippsen, Krusten im Kochtopf – Was die angebrannte Suppe erzählt. Archäologie in Deutschland 4/2016, 32-35.


  • Piezonka, H., Nedomolkina, N., 8000 Jahre Menschheitsgeschichte am Rande Europas. Archäologie in Deutschland 5/2013: 54-55.


  • Nomguunsuren, G., Ahrens, B., Piezonka, H., Bemmann, J., Ein Krieger aus der Gobi: Exzellent erhaltene Höhlenbestattung entdeckt. Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2011: 4.