Saints, Theatre and Railways: Reframing Palestinian Cultural History @ IPS Conference: Reasseing the British Mandate in Palestine
Refqa Abu-Remaileh and Ibrahim Abdou participate in the IPS Conference (Reassessing the British Mandate in Palestine) in a panel on Palestinian Cultural History
This session focuses on certain cultural, literary, and heritage aspects of Palestinian life during the Mandate era. It discusses lyrical heritage, cultural activism, and regional ties that emerged as a result. It tackles the Nabi Rubin Sufi festival as a form of theatre manifestation, and expressions of Palestinian literature during that era.
Framing the Palestinian Lyrical Heritage
Rasha Salameh (Middle East University)
Culture and Mobility in Palestine: Regional Connections and Impact
Areej Abu Harb (Université Lumiére - Lyon 2)
The Sufi Festival of Nabi Rubin: A New Approach to Palestinian Theatre History
Dia Barghouti (Abdel Malik Essadi University / Arab Council for Social Sciences Fellow)
Lost Threads: Palestinian Literature During the Mandate
Refqa Abu-Remaileh (Freie Universität Berlin) and Ibrahim Abdou (Freie Universität Berlin)
Moderated by Islah Jad (Birzeit University)