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PalREAD @ Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019

Jun 15, 2019 | 06:15 PM s.t. - 07:00 PM

PalREAD aims to tell the story of Palestinian literature by tracing and mapping literary sources across the Arab world, Europe and North & South America. We will explain how its innovative research methodologies seek, through the case of Palestinian literature, to contribute to an understanding of diasporic, exilic and refugee literatures. (R. Abou Rached, M. Gaida, der Vortrag ist in Englisch.)

Time & Location

Jun 15, 2019 | 06:15 PM s.t. - 07:00 PM

Venue: Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin
Room 1.2001

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