한국역사정보통합시스템 Korean History On-line
http://www.koreanhistory.or.kr/index.jsp (k)
http://www.koreanhistory.or.kr/eng/index.jsp (e)
Information about Korean history from databases with the following sources:
National Institute of Korean History (국사편찬위원회), Kyujanggak (규장각), Jongyŏnggak (존경각), Munchŏn’gak (문천각), the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of the Republic of Korea (국가보훈처), Independence Hall of Korea (독립기념관), Academia Coreana (명지대학교 국제한국학 연구소), Korean Classics Research Institute (민족문화추진회), the Korea Democracy Foundation (민주화운동 기념사업회), the War Memorial of Korea (전쟁기념사업회), the Korean Studies Advancement Center (한국국학진흥원), Korean Women’s Development Institute (한국여성개발원), and the Academy of Korean Studies (한국학중앙연구원)
국사편찬위원회 National Institute of Korean History
http://www.nhcc.go.kr/ (k)
http://www.nhcc.go.kr/front/introenglish/viewChairCommitteEn.jsp (e)
Fulltext database of the National Institute of Korean History, which also contains, for example, The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (조선왕조실록), or the Diary of the King’s Secretaries (승정원일기) from the Joseon Dynasty.
NSA Korean War 1950-1953 Commemoration
http://www.nsa.gov/korea/ (e)
Commemorative site about the Korean War by the US National Security Agency