Prof. Dr. Youngseo Baik
Institut für Koreastudien
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
Visiting Scholar
Baik Youngseo(백영서) is professor of East Asian History at Yonsei University. He holds BA and PhD from Seoul National University. Formerly He was a professor at Hallym University, and Chief Editor, Quarterly Creation and Criticism(창작과비평). His major publications are as follows: Students and Revolution in China in the 1920s: from Identity Crisis to Social Transformation (Seoul, 1994), Returning to East Asia : Questioning the Modernity of China (Seoul, 2000), East Asia as Intellectual Thought: History and Practice from the Perspective of the Korean Peninsula(思想東亞:朝鮮半島視覺的歷史與實踐) (Taipei: 2009, Beijing: 2011), Rethinking East Asia in Core Locations (Seoul: 2013), The Way to Social Humanities: Learning as an Institution/movement (Seoul: 2014). Thinking East Asia Horizontally:Rethinking East Asian History in Core Locations (橫觀東亞:從核心現場重思東亞歷史( (Taipei, 2016) and The Way to Co-prosperity and Core Locations : East Asia as Praxis) (共生への道と核心現場: 實踐課題としての東アジア) ( Tokyo, 2016). He has served visiting scholars at various institutions, such as Harvard-Yenching Institute, Higher Education and Research Center, Nagoya University , Center for Chinese Studies, Taiwan/ Institute of Modern History. He has been leading Discourses on East Asia, and is currently writing a new book, to be entitled as “Three events making China in 20 century: rethinking 1919, 1949 and 1989”