Program structure
The Master degree program Archaeology of the Ancient World is structured into three broad areas:
- The integrative area (45 credit points), which is compulsory for all AAW students.
- The specialization area (35 credit points), where you can choose from courses offered by Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, and Near Eastern Archaeology.
- The complementary area (15 credit points), in which you can select courses from a wide range of subjects offered at FU Berlin in ancient studies, languages, and other disciplines.
Each area comprises of several modules. The last semester is reserved for writing your master’s thesis.
Recommended curriculum
Image Credit: Official Journal of the Freie Universität Berlin 2022/16, p. 400 (translated into English)
For details on the official program and examination regulations (in German: “Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (SPO)”), see the following documents (pdf download):
- Program and examination regulations, translated into English from the official and legally binding version in German (Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den Masterstudiengang Archaeology of the Ancient World des Fachbereichs Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin).
- Admission regulations, translated into Englisch from the English from the official and legally binding version in German (Zugangssatzung für den Masterstudiengang Archaeology of the Ancient World).
Course catalog for winter semester 2024/25
Classes for the 2024/25 winter semester start on October 14, 2024, and end on February 15, 2025. The academic calendar of Freie Universität Berlin can be found here .
You can find all classes taught in the MA Archaeology of the Ancient World here.
To register for modules and classes, please use the Campus Management system. You can find details about the system here.