Classical Archaeology as a 30 or 60-credit module in a combination bachelor’s degree program
About half of the bachelor’s degree programs offered at Freie Universität are combination bachelor’s degree programs, which comprise a core subject (typically 90 credits) and one or two separate modules (one 60-credit module or two 30-credit modules). You can choose Classical Archaeology as a minor in such a combination.
The Freie Universität provides table of combinations, unfortunately in German only.
The 30 credit minor comprises three modules: The Chronological Module and two Systematic Modules.
The Chronological Module consists of an introduction in the winter semester and a methods tutorial in the following summer semester. The introduction provides an overview about the periodization of the antiquity, artifact classes (e.g. pottery, sculpture, architecture), and dating methods. During the summer semester, you will visit different museums, apply your knowledge to the presented objects and discuss them.
Example for an introduction: Epochen der Klassischen Archäologie
Example for a methods tutorial: Methodenübung Epochen der Klassischen Antike - Beschreibungsübung
Two Systematic Modules: They each comprise an introduction in the wintersemester and a seminar in the summer semester. They aim at enabling students to gather information from different sources (e.g. literature, databases, images), to process and present them (e.g. in a seminar talk) as well as critically assess and discuss them (e.g. in an essay).
The three modules A, B, and C have different thematic foci and are offered alternating. Which two will be part of your study program depends on your enrollment year.
Systematic Module A: Ancient Architecture and Topography
Example for an introduction: Griechische Heiligtümer
Example for a seminar: Form und Funktion antiker Bauskulptur
Systematic Module B: Ancient World of Images
Example for an introduction: Multikulturelle Metropolen im Hellenismus und ihre Bilderwelt: Alexandria, Pergamon, Rhodos und Demetrias
Example for a seminar: Körper - Gewand - Raum. Griechische Skulptur im 5. Jh. v. Chr.
Systematic Module C: Spatial Contexts of Ancient Pictures and Artefacts
Example for an introduction: Die Archäologie der römischen Landschaften: Methodische Ansätze zur regionalen Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Mittelmeerraumes
Example for a seminar: Weihungen, Ehrungen und Stiftungen auf der Akropolis und der Agora von Athen
Content and structure of the 60-credit-minor is identical to the focus area Classical Archaeology in our BA Altertumswissenschaften, it consists of six modules:
The Chronological Module consists of an introduction in the winter semester and a methods tutorial in the following summer semester. The introduction provides an overview about the periodization of the antiquity, artifact classes (e.g. pottery, sculpture, architecture), and dating methods. During the summer semester, you will visit different museums, apply your knowledge to the presented objects and discuss them.
Example for an introduction: Epochen der Klassischen Archäologie
Example for a methods tutorial: Methodenübung Epochen der Klassischen Antike - Beschreibungsübung
Two Systematic Modules: They each comprise an introduction in the wintersemester and a seminar in the summer semester. They aim at enabling students to gather information from different sources (e.g. literature, databases, images), to process and present them (e.g. in a seminar talk) as well as critically assess and discuss them (e.g. in an essay).
The three modules A, B, and C have different thematic foci and are offered alternating. Which two will be part of your study program depends on your enrollment year.
Systematic Module A: Ancient Architecture and Topography
Example for an introduction: Griechische Heiligtümer
Example for a seminar: Form und Funktion antiker Bauskulptur
Systematic Module B: Ancient World of Images
Example for an introduction: Multikulturelle Metropolen im Hellenismus und ihre Bilderwelt: Alexandria, Pergamon, Rhodos und Demetrias
Example for a seminar: Körper - Gewand - Raum. Griechische Skulptur im 5. Jh. v. Chr.
Systematic Module C: Spatial Contexts of Ancient Pictures and Artefacts
Example for an introduction: Die Archäologie der römischen Landschaften: Methodische Ansätze zur regionalen Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Mittelmeerraumes
Example for a seminar: Weihungen, Ehrungen und Stiftungen auf der Akropolis und der Agora von Athen
Zwei Analytische Module: As the Systematic Modules, they span two semesters and comprise a lecture as well as a seminar. Starting with the seminar in the winter semester, they aim to enhance your acquired competencies and challenge you on an advanced level.
Analytical Module A - Ancient Architecture and Topography
Example for a lecture: Römische Architektur
Example for a seminar: Die Topographie Siziliens
Analytical Module B - Ancient World of Images
Example for a lecture: Antike Skulptur in öffentlichen urbanen Räumen
Example for a seminar: Attische Vasenmalerei
Analytical Module C - Spatial Contexts of Ancient Pictures and Artefacts
Example for a lecture: Strategien der Selbstdarstellung im Hellenismus: Herrscher, Bürger/innen, Metöken, Vereine
Example for a seminar: Aufbruch aus den "Dunklen Jahrhunderten" - Die Kunst der geometrischen Zeit
Communicating Information Module – It comprises a seminar and a method tutorial which usually can be completed within one semester. The focus is on the communication of research topics to a public audience such as in a journalistic or museological context.
Example: Mehr als Schätze und Abenteuer: Öffentlich kommunizieren in den Altertumswissenschaften
Example: Realismus - Öffentliche Führungen durch die Sonderausstellung