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DFG-Project: Dynamic Spaces: The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Kos during Feast and Healing Ritual


The DFG research project aims to analyse Hellenistic architecture (using the Asklepieion of Kos as an example) at a specific point in time (mid-2nd century BC) with regard to its interaction with the actions and perceptions of human actors (external festival observers [theoroi]; local healing seekers) in two specific ancient experiential situations (festival and healing ritual).The planned study focuses on the Hellenistic period since, according to the findings of historical research, this represents a key moment in the development of a new awareness with regard to the regulation of actor response.

The project team started work on 1 January 2024. The planned project duration is two years.


WORKSHOP: Dynamic Perspectives - Advancing Archaeology with 3D Tools

Location: Berlin, Abguss-Sammlung Antiker Plastik, Schloßstraße 69 b, 10585 Berlin

Jun 13, 2025

Auf den Spuren des Herodas: Das Asklepieion von Kos als Serious Game

Vortrag von Asja Müller

Location: Campus Westend, I.G. Farben-Haus, Raum IG 457, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz

Feb 06, 2025 | 06:15 PM

Praxisanker und Wegenetz: Eine Spurensuche im Asklepieon von Kos

Vortrag von Asja Müller

Location: Campus Westend, I.G. Farben-Haus, Raum IG 311, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz

Feb 04, 2025 | 06:15 PM

Gaming Rituals: Collective and Individual Experiences in the Asklepieion of Cos

Talk by Asja Müller, Martin Kim

Location: AIAC: XXe Congrès international d’archéologie classique, Paris, Campus Condorcet, Open Space (150) Humathèque

Jun 06, 2024 | 09:10 AM - 09:40 AM

Ein Fest für die Sinne. Die koischen Asklepieia im 2. Jh. v. Chr.

Talk by Asja Müller, Martin Kim

Location: 37. Große Mommsen-Tagung, Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 4, Audimax II

May 24, 2024 | 11:20 AM - 11:55 AM


At the end of the project, the result should not only be an understanding of what kind of spatial constellations have been designed with regard to certain types of actors and actions; it is also decidedly a matter of developing explanatory models for these processual spatial perception options that were tied to the respective type of actor and his or her actions (e.g. targeted movement and gaze guidance of the foreign festival observers as a means of controlling the aesthetic [external] effect of the festival). Thus, in addition to and in differentiation from previous overarching conclusions on Hellenistic architecture, the diversity of ancient built space is to be considered.


Project director:

Dr. Asja Müller (Freie Universität Berlin)

Cooperation partner:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Kim (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences)

Student employees:

Process control: Tessa Rödle (Freie Universität Berlin), Danny Schultze (Freie Universität Berlin)

Modeling: Ecaterina Cosceeva (Technische Hochschule Augsburg), Amelie Nieberle (Staatliche Akademie der Künste Stuttgart)

Data management: Felix Maurer (Freie Universität Berlin)

Hochschule Mannheim