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Academic advising and credit transfer

The academic advisors will transfer credits and advise you in all other matters concerning your studies. 

BA Academic Advising Islamic Studies 


Note: Please direct all inquiries regarding credit transfer and advising to the deputy BA advisors according to the alphabetical assignment: 

Christin Sander, M.A.

Letters A-K

Mondays 4:30-6:00 pm

Please book an appointment online and briefly indicate the topic to be discussed.  


Dr. Emad Alali

Letters L-Z

Appoinment requests please in time via E-Mail with indication of topic.



MA Student Advisory Service Islamic Studies 

Prof. Dr. Schirin


MA Representative 

Please make an appointment in advance by E-mail and specify your request. 

Prof. Dr. Birgit Krawitz

Deputy MA Representative 

Please make an appointment in advance by E-mail and specify your request. 



Help at the beginning of your studies (1st semester BA) from students for students: 




Help with questions concerning the preparation and design of term papers and bachelor theses, correct citation and transcription 


Katharina Ohlhorst 


BAFöG representative 

The certificate according to § 48 BAföG (form 5) is issued at the Department of History and Cultural Studies by the BAföG representative Prof. Dr. Florian Zemmin or his deputies. 


Please note the following important information regarding BAföG advice


ERASMUS/SOKRATES Representative  

An overview of the CREDITS for courses at the Institute of Islamic Studies, which foreign ERASMUS students can receive, can be found here. The ERASMUS representative in Islamic Studies is Dr. Olly Akkerman


Please also note the general information on ERASMUS International Student Mobility Study Abroad! 


Info-Service (General Academic Advising, Admission Questions) 

Iltisstr. 1&4, 14195 Berlin 

Phone: (030) 838 700 00 

E-mail: Info-Service@fu-berlin.de 

Office hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m; 

Akkreditierte Studiengänge_v3