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Dr. Emad Alali


Freie Universität Berlin

Department of Cultural Studies and History

Institute of Islamic Studies


Fabeckstr. 23-25
Room 1.1054
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Appoinment requests please in time via E-Mail with indication of topic.

  • 2006: B.A. English Language and Literature, Damascus University.
  • 2007: Diploma in Pedagogy and Education (teaching degree), University of Homs / Syria.
  • 05.2008 - 09.2009: Research Assistant at the University of Damascus.
  • 2012: M.A. German Studies, University of Leipzig.
  • 2015: M.A. Political Science, University of Leipzig, thesis topic: "Islamist Groups in Syria between Nation-State and God-State Orientation".
  • Dec. 2017: PhD in Literary Studies, University of Leipzig, topic of thesis: "Humanismus-Diskurs im Drama der Nachkriegszeit".


The Political Legitimacy in Contemporary Arab Political Thought

Other research interests and foci:

  • Relationship between politics and religion (Islam) in the Arab world.
  • Culture, politics and society in the Middle East
  • Arab political thought and modern Arab intellectual history
  • Relationship between politics and literature in the German and Arabic-speaking world


  • Abdulrahman al-Kawakibi: Of Natures of Despotism and Fatalities of Enslavement. Translated, annotated and edited by Emad Alali. With a foreword by Udo Steinbach. Münster et al: LIT Verlag, 2021.
  • Prioritizing the Political Process. Plea for an active Syria policy of the EU. In: Welttrends 167, 2020. pp. 14-18.
  • Review of Bassam Tibi's book: Euro-Islam instead of Islamism. A concept of integration (2020). In: World Trends 172, 2021. pp. 66-67.
  • The Political Spirit of the Arabellion. In: Qantara - Dialogue with the Islamic World, Feb. 19, 2019. Online: https://de.qantara.de/node/34582
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