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Dr. Olly Akkerman

Olly Akkerman
Image Credit: Olly Akkerman

Freie Universität Berlin

Department of Cultural Studies and History

Institute of Islamic Studies


Fabeckstr. 23/25
Room 1.1068
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Appoinment requests please in time via E-Mail with indication of topic.

  • “Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin“ (Lecturer and Research Associate) at the Institute of Islamic and Middle East Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, since 2016.
  • Obtained PhD at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (Freie Universität Berlin) in 2015, titled The Bohra Dark Archive and the Language of Secrecy. The RoyalAlawi Bohra Library in Baroda. Mphil in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
  • Research interests: manuscript cultures of the Islamic world, new methodologies in philology, social and material history of Shi’i cultures and societies (both historical and contemporary), archival histories of Ismā’īlism, anthropology of texts and archives in the Middle East and South Asia.
  • Teaching interests: Codicology and Paleography, the social life of texts and archives, history of Shi’ism, theory and methods of the study of Islam, intellectual history.

Manuscript Studies, Social Philology, Cultural and Social History of Shia Islam, especially the Ismā'īliyya, the Social Role of Texts and Archives in Faith Communities of the Middle East and South Asia.

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